Sunday, November 7, 2010

Set That Dadburn Clock Back

This silly shit figures into today's edit.
See below for the gory details.
.......Yup. Time for more of these fuggin' dots to space my paragraphs apart.
Yeah, we're now over with daylight savings time, so that means the sun will set at 4:36pm, today.
For me, that means getting to the Pachaug rock pile an hour earlier so I can finish the ride with the same amount of daylight left.

My WR-250FY is ready to go, and all I gotta' do is push the fork bleeder buttons and check the tire pressure.
I expect there to be some water left out on the trails, but, nothing I haven't experienced a million times in the past.
I'll probably report back later.
Today's edit:
Today's rock pile ride out on the wonderfully rocky and wooded Pachaug motorcycle enduro loop
(as it's called on the state of Connecticut's own website, which has a bit too much of the color green on it for my liking and is obviously meant to thrill tree huggers and posy sniffers across the state) was a cautious one for me.
While I had a good ride and pulled some decent moves while on the bike, since the ground was still covered with plenty of wet leaves which reduce traction (often, it seems, exactly when you don't want it reduced), I backed the pace down a notch in a lot of sections.
So, while I rode a bit slower due to the conditions, I came back in one piece without any mishaps or close calls.
All-in-all, it was a good decision, and the slower pace was a worthwhile trade-off.
Today's mileage was 37.3 total miles as I opted to take my usual shorter loop, leaving out the neat pine-needle whoop trail this time.
Hopefully, next weekend will be dry with normal traction conditions. :)
The day's unusual surprise was in coming across one of those dog sled carts (like a dog sled with wheels) on one of the easy and smooth dirt roads in the part of the forest where people can drive their cars and SUVs out to the campsites or baseball/soccer/football/whatever-you-make-of-it field.
However, when I saw the two dogs, the cart, and the two ladies involved with this gig, one of the ladies was on the ground, holding her head.
I assumed there was some kind of a pile-up that just took place before I got there on my WR-250FY with the way the lady was laying flat on the ground and basically holding her head saying, "Oooww...".
I stopped and asked what was going on and was basically told they had a wreck, but help was already coming in the form of one of their pals being fetched to scoop them up in a van.
So, I merely said goodbye, kickstarted my bike, and rode out of there.
In fact, as I let the clutch lever out to get moving, I noticed the rescue van about to bump into my rear fender, so I got out of Dodge quickly. :)
In a way, I did feel badly for the lady with the (assumed) lump on her head.
In another way, I had to chuckle to myself.
Because that dog sled on wheels thingy just seems so stupid to me.
Those two should have been on dirt bikes like me, goddammit, not on some silly little I-wanna-pretend-I'm-some-Eskimo-driving-his-dog-sled-up-in-the-friggin'-Arctic daydream.
See where it got them?
Now, I'm back home, WR-250FY already washed all squeaky-clean, and I'm about to sink my teeth into a couple of big kielbasa sandwiches.
All-in-all, not a bad day. :)


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