Monday, November 15, 2010

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
That's the old saying, anyway.
I can't vouch for the wealthy part, unless they mean wealthy in thing other than money.
I am healthy, and very much endowed with considerable wisdom, and I'm also incredibly good-looking, too.
So, in that way, I believe I'm very wealthy, as such things are actually priceless.
Priceless because they're hard to recreate artificially, if not impossible to do so.
That's another free piece of my infinite wisdom for you. :)

I'm sitting at jerk right now, and I didn't enter a post this morning because I had moseying on over to the garage on my mind.
I put my WR-250FY back together (it gets partially disassembled when I wash it), so that's one less thing to do before the next ride this weekend.
I should change at least the front tire, and maybe I'll do that tomorrow morning.


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