Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Bit Damp

It's 1:51pm on Saturday afternoon as I type these words, and I just came back from a bit of a nature boy walk along a section of trail from the Pachaug rock pile loop.
It was along the section of pine needled whoops that I like, and I decided to use the walk as a way to assess the ground conditions.

Since it rained a decent amount over the past two days, the ground is a bit soggy in a lot of places where water usually collects after a rain.
Throw in wet roots and wet leaves all over the ground, and things can get slippery enough to cause trouble if you read the terrain wrong or make some other kind of miscalculation while riding the bike.

If I'd a' gotten a full night's sleep last night, I'd probably go for a ride today, anyway (I've done it in similar conditions countless times).
But, seeing that I screwed myself out of a full eight hours worth of snoozing by falling asleep on the damn couch, getting up at midnight, and not being able to fall back to sleep once I slumped into bed, the results has me feeling tired and a bit slow.
Not a good combination for effective riding.

Since I feel tired and slow, I'll decide to skip riding today, get some good sleep tonight, and hit the rock pile tomorrow.
Hopefully, not with my head. :)


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