Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Ever Happened to the Ozone Hole?

If you were around 25 years ago, you know about the supposed hole in the ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere and how people were supposedly making it bigger and bigger by surviving.
Just as today we're blamed for global warming (which has recently and quietly been superseded by climate change), back then, we were all blamed for making some supposed hole in the ozone layer bigger and bigger.
This was supposedly done by emissions of products like aerosol cans and freon inside of your air conditioner and refrigerator.

Then, one day, we all noticed that the media wasn't chirping about this supposed ozone hole anymore, but had been told to move on to a new pet project threat to mankind's well being - global warming.
Just as the supposed ozone hole was gonna' get ya', global warming was gonna' get ya'.
Now, the latest boogey man in the closet is climate change.

I, for one, would like to know exactly what wealthy mouthpieces like Al Gore are doing to supposedly correct this supposed problem of climate change, other than traveling around the world in his private jet and private cars and holding conferences where he spreads this lie as if it were gospel truth put down my God, himself.
You know what I believe he's doing about it?
Nothing because there is no problem to correct.
What he's actually been given to do is to spread the lie around and brainwash lots of people about it.
I do not believe for one second that his plush and high-dollar lifestyle has gone down one tiny bit because of any supposed environmental disaster waiting on the hazy horizon.

Now, just where do you think he gets his money from?
Do you think he prints it himself?
Could he get it from some big foundation or corporation?
Tax money?
I'll bet a million that it has to do with big business at it's core, the same big businesses that demolish mountains to get the minerals out of the ground and sink drill bits down underground to suck the crude oil out.

These supposedly charitable foundations like the Ford Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie.
Where did they get their dough from?
Do they have their own mint in their back yards to print their own 1,000-dollar bills?
Or, was it from making things in big factories around the world, drilling for oil any place they could get to, and forging steel in big mills?
I bet they all had a huuuuuuuuge interest in protecting the supposed fragile environment while they belched smoke, drilled through the ground, choked on fumes, and had guys with machine guns mow down people protesting against them.
Were you taught that one as the credits for Sesame Street scroll down the screen while Elmo waved goodbye until next time?
It is all just a necessary evil, I suppose, huh?

But, yet, I'm a bad guy for riding my dirt bike out in the middle of the woods and I'm certainly killing the planet with what comes out of my exhause pipe.
I would like to have Al Gore put his lips on my exhaust pipe.

I'm heading on over to the garage to change the rear tire on my WR-250FY.


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