Pretty soon, ALL public land will have signs like this posted at the entrances.
In fact, I believe that the signs will say "CLOSED TO ALL", motorized vehicle or not.
This means they want you out of any place other than where they want you to stay.
Like cattle.
Sounds pretty, doesn't it?
I really believe that's what the elite snobs of the world - the guys you never see or hear from, but really own everything like the natural resources without you knowing it - have in store.
Gradually, under the guise of environmentalism, they're grabbing land and simply posting it as off limits to you - period.
I'll never believe that any wealthy and powerful snob (who believes they're MUCH better than you ever will be, don't you ever forget) truly gives half a shit about the so-called fragile environment.
Because these liars created this whole environmental movement just for this purpose:
To use as the big excuse to do what they want to do.
Why do you think kids in schools today are being taught that mankind (that's you and me) is the whole reason for this supposed fragile environment, and we must give up this, that, and the other thing in order to stop the damage we're doing?
Yes, give up the right to walk on this piece of land, and give up any spare money you have left over in order to pay your carbon taxes, which are coming down the pike real soon.
Yeah, people, you should be ashamed of even breathing.
Are you seeing my point to the above sign?
The elite snobs of the world would just love it if the retards with the junk genes (you and me), the ones who aren't evolved like they are because we've inherited our junk genes from our parents and grandparents and great grandparents, would simply die and let them have the world for themselves and their offspring, the ones who truly deserve it.
What you think about that notion, huh?
Off to jerk,
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