A serious bullshit artist in his natural habitat.
I hear that we're in the midst of some congressional election season right now.
That would explain why I've been seeing those little "Elect Joe Asshole to Congress!" billboards stuck up on trees and staked into peoples' front lawns.
I don't vote, myself, and never have, save for once.
The only time I was in a voting booth was the very first year I was old enough to vote.
I basically felt that my vote wouldn't amount to anything, and I haven't bothered, since.
Tell me - when does anything in your day-to-day life ever really change?
Have your annual taxes gone down?
Or up?
Is your existence becoming easier?
Is life more enjoyable?
Or, is it more difficult?
Do you have more free money over the years?
Or less?
Does it really matter what jackass mouthpiece liar is in the White House or in the Senate?
When was the last time things really looked like they might change for the better?
Was it back in the John F. Kennedy days?
Look what happened to him.
Gee, I wonder why that happened.
Must be a strange coincidence.
Basically, I believe that when some liar is running for some political position, he'll promise the moon in order to get votes.
Once in office, it's simply business as usual, and any mouth-watering promises that were made are thrown out like yesterday's trash.
Yet, we're all brainwashed to go and vote and make a difference.
If some joker is elected to some office that really wants to push for changes that would truly make things better for the average Joe down at the bottom of the totem pole (you and me), you can bet that not only would he not even be allowed to run in the first place, but even if an honest guy or girl were elected by some huge miracle, they'd either be run out of office by their cronies or silenced in some way.
It's all just a big show put on for the public, and we're all supposed to fall for this crap, hook, line, and sinker.
Year after year, it's the same story.
Kiss my goddamm ass.
Hey, here's an idea you'll never see in a billion years:
Let's see one of these stinking-rich big-time politicians take a 50% pay cut, and suggest his or her cohorts do the same.
What's a B.S. artist in Washington DC make a year?
Betcha' it's much more than you and me, unless you're a politician, yourself.
Yeah, let's see them really want to set an example.
Set an example by doing.
Off to jerk,
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