Looks like Mr. Serious Geek found himself a real hottie from that dating service called Nerdfinder.
I wonder if her mom knows that she goes around putting lipstick on cheeks like that.
On the first date, even.
Gonna' be a typical chance-of-rain-at-any-given-moment kind of day as far as weather goes, so it looks like I'll be choosing to drive the ol' clam of a trusty ol' Ford Ranger into jerk, today.
Oh, well.
I'm gonna' take a break from spoutin' off about motorcycle message boards today.
The reason they seem like a big enough deal to me to spout off about in the first place is because that's the kind of shit I bought my first PC for in the first place:
To read about motorcycles and find out what other motorcycle riders were doing and communicate with them.
I mean, there's soooooo much silly shit being written about motorcycles by complete idiots, I'm just trying to give the dimwitts their just-deserved 15 minutes of fame by bringing it to your attention.
It's like a public service, free of charge.
Things are going well as far as my own motorcycle riding goes.
My street-going WR-250R has 6,500 miles on it after 13 months of ownership, and is running like a top.
My firebreathing WR-250F has only a fraction of that mileage on it because it gets ridden on a trail loop for about 40 miles on Sundays, but makes up for it by being ridden over muuuuuuch more rough and rugged natural terrain.
That bike is, as I continue to point out after my Sunday Pachaug rock pile rides, very impressive with how it works.
I am soooooo glad I bought it.
Yes, natural terrain.
The word natural is derived from the word nature, and when I'm out riding in the Pachaug forest on Sunday afternoon-into-dusk, I'm out there in the midst of nature.
It's natural out there in the middle of the woods.
Quite a contrast from the man-made and manicured flat and grassy clearings, picnic areas, and gravel parking lots near the main entrance of the Pachaug forest.
To a lot of people, that stuff is as nature boy as they care to get, and is all they know about the woods.
When they think of off-road in their minds, that is what they picture.
That ain't nature.
Get your ass out into the middle of the woods, where the sun is blocked by all of the greenery on all of those trees, the mosquitoes will spike you if you aren't constantly shooing them away, all manner of critters critter around you, and, quite frankly, is a place that would own your sorry ass if you were suddenly faced with having to stay out there for a week straight if you hadn't brought a gaggle of camping supplies with you.
Or even just over one night.
Yeah, that's right, nature boy.
You self-righteous environmental fuckhead.
I could go on and on about how the typical environmental propaganda that's brainwashing people (that includes kids in grammar and high school this very moment) is so misleading.
There ain't any shortage of trees.
Mankind ain't on the verge of killing the planet, no matter what he does.
It's OK and just fine and dandy to exhale and put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, people.
THAT is a natural occurrence, and it's been going of for an awful long time.
Don't let anybody fool you by trying to make you feel like you need to pay or do penance or even feel bad for being alive on Earth.
You don't need to recycle everything in sight.
You don't need to fall in line with what everyone else is doing.
Be VERY suspicious about anything to do with environmentalism, greening, new-age, or anything coming out of the mouth of a media star or top-ranking politician.
You're being fooled.
You're being lied to.
You are, slowly, but surely, being made to believe any and all supposed problems on the planet have to do with you and me simply being alive and existing.
We're all suspected terrorists, too.
Sounds like some pretty mad-assed rant, huh?
Well, think about what's on the TV news and what young people are being taught and what is being pushed as "normal".
Off to jerk,
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