A rapper in action.
I used to think rappers were just the things your bubble gum came wrapped up in.
I wonder who he's pointing at, or what he's actually supposed to be saying.
I won't give you a penny for today's popular music.
I say this because it sounds terrible to me.
You know what a melody is?
Look it up, buckwheat.
Well, lots of shit on the radio today has none, but everyone that's young loves it.
That's brainwashing at work.
You know what's really something, though?
I will personally guarantee that once these youngsters in their teens and early 20s get to be my age, THEY will dislike whatever crap music that's popular with the younger generation, too, and be pretty adamant about it like I am.
And, you can bet this will happen because you can bet the sound of the "music" will change quite a bit, enough so that everyone will insist on calling it by a different name.
I wonder how many people believe that all of the rock, country, rap, emo, and any other kind of popular music is ultimately produced and controlled by bigshots a lot older than you are, and a lot older than the supposed "artist" supposedly singing this shit.
Did you ever think of that, Lenny?
Do you really believe some backstreet kid with a rap in his head somehow gets his little ditty cut onto an album exactly as it came out of his little bee-boppin' head?
Yeah, right.
More like that IF some little homie is brought into a studio, any "songs" he has are rearranged to the point of being unrecognizable, so a song about growing up in the 'hood and smashing-out Cumberland Farms windows in order to get food to eat will be molested into a mean-assed rap about raping and killing everyone in sight, just because little homie is having a bad hair gel day.
Think about that one, people.
"Your" music is really the product of old, wise, crafty men in suits, gray hair growing out of their nostrils and all.
They just don't want you to know that, and also believe their secret is safe because you're too young and stupid to realize that, anyway.
Well, are you?
Off to jerk.
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