It's Maude, that liberal retard from the 1970s sitcom TV show with the same name.
Could this be the same Maude that's supposedly buried out in the middle of the Pachaug rock pile woods alongside a trail?
I bet she's old enough to make it a possibility.
That above link is of a YouTube video done by a guy who fancies himself a comedian/news reporter.
It shows the very trail that I rode down yesterday, and explains the (several versions of the) local legend of Maude's grave.
The video was posted one year ago, today, so it's fairly recent.
The title line is just a joke to use the number 102, by the way.
I don't recycle anything if I can help it.
I'm not a fanatic about it, but I feel it's more a way of brainwashing people as much as anything else.
I'm more likely to believe it's a way for aluminum and plastic companies to save money than anybody in power truly giving a shit about the supposed fragile environment of the Earth.
I believe that, along with having to buy special garbage bags in order to drop your garbage off at the town dump (oops! I mean transfer station), this recycling gig is mainly about making everybody feel that there's some big crisis that we must all unite to combat...under the direction of the United Nations, naturally.
Have you ever snooped around to find out who started the UN?
You should - the same kind of guys who started the world's central banking scheme, and the same kind of characters who believe they're MUCH more evolved that you are.
Why, yes.
They believe in evolution, and have for thousands of years, Bucky.
They're the super-smart cream of the crop, so their offspring deserve to live much, much more than yours does.
The fact that they've got a net worth in the million or billions proves this, and you're just a useless eater sucking up their resources, resources that should rightfully be used by them and their offspring.
It's their planet in their minds, after all is said and done.
Off to jerk,
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