"You see that, Billy Bob?"
"Yes, I did! She done blowed up reeeeeeeal good!"
Well, the master mechanic with his unexplainable clickity-clack transmission noises posted some pics of his troublesome gears.
There were some real nice rounded-off gear dogs and slots on the side of the gears, too.
What a surprise that was (to him).
The only thing left to do in this saga now, other than replacing the damaged parts and putting it back together, is to tell the world how he'd never seen or heard of that weird shit, before.
I like to get a chuckle out of (what I think is) silly motorcycle message board tomfoolery, but, I can also get some useful information out of them, too.
For example, just Sunday evening, a guy wrote something that I'd been wondering about on-and-off since I'd bought my firebreather WR-250FY last November.
See, when a WR-250F rolls off a brand-new showroom, it runs and has engine performance only at a fraction of what it's capable of.
This is due to what everyone knows as EPA regulations, but I like to call them ridiculous tree-hugger regs.
Basically, and supposedly to prolong the life of the Earth's extremely fragile environment, the bike is all choked-up with air intake restrictions, lean carburetor settings, and a plugged-up exhaust muffler.
Even the Yamaha factory in Japan, and the USA branch known as Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, has some real men that like motorcycles left in their employment that are well aware these silly regulations remove the performance from your WR-250F.
Because of this, Yamaha Motor Corp., USA makes available a little kit of parts with nice instructions that will remove these gay restrictions and have your nice, new WR-250F running as it would have if not for these tree-hugger, brainwashed, pro-environmental, pro-fascist, pro-Earth worshipping and new-age faggot EPA regulations.
I bought my WR-250FY used (it was relatively little used), but the previous owner only did some of the restrictions removal (known by riders as "uncorking" the bike).
When I got my hands on it, I set out to finish the uncorking, and bought that nice little kit from Yamaha Motor Corp., USA.
The instructions tell you to remove these gay-assed air intake silencers that everyone calls snorkels.
The snorkels sit on top of the air filter box, and after they're removed, you're left with two triangular-shaped holes sitting there all nice and pretty.
I ran the bike like this since I got it because the previous owner removed the snorkels and left the bike as described above.
However, I noticed that the top of the air filter box (also known as the airbox) seemed to have a feature that, after removing a few more screws, would allow the entire top part where the triangular snorkel holes were to be completely removed, opening-up the top of the airbox even more.
I thought about investigating this, but, since I felt my WR-250FY was breathing fire pretty darned good as it was after I installed the uncorking kit, I left it as it was.
Well, on Sunday, this guy who wrote a post on a message board showed a few pics of this, and showed that, yes, indeedy, that top panel of the airbox will indeed come off, leaving a nice-looking hole for intake air.
This is all in the name of better engine performance.
Well, I did the same after jerk last night, and this Sunday (weather permitting), I'll be tryin' 'er out. :)
Off to jerk,
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