A know-it-all aristocrat in his relaxed pose.
I hear about the national debt enough to want to puke, and I don't even watch the TV news, anymore.
We need to pay it off and quit spending money on this, that, and the other thing, blah, blah, blah...
That typically comes out of the mouth of a bullshitter politician, too, or some economist nerd.
This has always been the case in my lifetime.
It has never changed.
It never goes away.
It's like complaining about the leak in your roof, but nobody ever goes up there to fix it.
Well, I really believe that the reason nobody is ever sent up there to fix the leak in the roof is because the guys who are really in charge of big things don't want it fixed.
Why not?
Because they benefit from it this way.
Do you really, really, really think things would be going down the quazillion dollar debt drain year after year if we absolutely had to put a stop to it?
The fat cats who literally own you and the world and all of it's resources don't want you totally free and clear of them.
As soon as you're born, you're a burden to them until you get old enough to work, where you can then start being taxed.
Even though a gazillion tax dollars are raked in every year, the USA still has to go borrow money from these fat cats and their private banks.
Yeah, elite tycoons who lend money to countries.
You'll work your ass off your entire life, only to be told that we're now 2,406,734 times deeper in debt than we were 50 years ago.
Why does it never get better?
The big shots want it that way, something you'll never be taught in school, or read about in the paper, or hear on 60 Minutes.
It was never intended to be paid off, and it was designed that way from the start.
It's just a big con played on us, this big financial mess we're in, and we're told there's just no way out of it.
It's just one, big sickening lie, just as environmentalism is one, big, sickening lie, a political movement masquerading around as something else.
And who came up with that one?
Why, the elite aristocrats and their cronies, the guys who are much smarter than you and deserve to be at the top of the world because they were sly enough to steal away the world's wealth from everybody else - who else?
Off to jerk,
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