The WR-250FY after today's Pachaug rock pile ride, sitting there in my front yard, wondering why leaves are already falling off some of the trees.
Today was another good ride.
Even though I felt a bit tired and a bit down on energy before I hit the trails, once I was on the bike and loosened up a bit, I had a good time.
I took a couple of trails that I usually don't take, and they were fun, especially the one that goes past what is supposedly called Maude's grave.
What's Maude's grave?
I'll explain it in tomorrow morning's post...as long as I don't forget. :)
I decided to wear my old Sidi Vortex boots, today?
I'm not too sure if I'll get used to that conical-shaped protective piece covering the hinge pin on the inside of the ankles.
The main beef I have with that is it basically spaces the boot out a bit, making it a little more difficult to squeeze the bike with my ankles as I like to.
I could have ridden with the new Crossfire TAs and put up with it, but, I elected to go with the ol' standby for at least another ride.
I guess I simply wanted one less thing to be concerned with, so I went out, a' squeezin' the bike as I like. :)
And now, it's time for some serious din-dins.
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