Thursday, May 5, 2011

299: The Dead Guy Who Just Won't Stay Dead

I'm talking about Osama Bin Ladin.
Is that how you spell his name?
I'm going by memory on it.

Myself, I feel that the guy has been dead since shortly after the 9/11 Twin towers disaster.
Basically, I feel the guy was used as a scapegoat to take the blame for it, and then after it went down (literally), he was killed to keep him from saying anything to the contrary.
You know - things like, "I didn't do it."
I mean, even the pics of the guy on my AOL mailbox page look like they're 10 years old.

Why do I feel this way?
Two reasons:

No. 1:
When I saw the video of the planes hitting the towers and (especially) of the towers coming down, I thought they were taken down as you see with old buildings being demolished.
In other words, the planes didn't do that, but somebody else did via another method such as what they call "controlled demolition".
I got that impression immediately, the very first time I watched it, the same day it happened.
Those were my feelings from my own head.

Most people I know don't even want to talk about that because it's an uneasy thought and they're probably worried about being cast out as a conspiracy theory nut.
Uneasy because if you were to start thinking about it, you'd have to ask yourself, "Well, if some camel jockeys in the desert didn't do it, who did?"
Avoiding thinking like that solves that problem, but the trade-off is that you're just going along with the supplied explanation, one that makes no sense to me.
Very much as with the official explanation of how JFK bit the bullet, literally, again.

No. 2:
I've often felt that, since high school, the news media is full of time-wasting shit.
When I was in grammar school, I actually watched the TV news often enough to know all of the news anchors very well.
That's the local TV stations as well as the big national ones like CBS News and ABC News, although it was mostly WFSB in Hartford, CT., and CBS News with good ol' Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather (when he was much younger), Roger Mudd, and a few others I can't recall at the moment.
When I was 10, 11, or 12 years old, the news actually seemed as if I were learning something.
By the time I turned 15 or so, it no longer felt that way.
It seemed I was being dished-out the same old BS that just went 'round and 'round in circles, and I got the feeling that somebody didn't really want me to learn anything about what was really going on in the world, or why.
Probably especially why.

So, for me, this whole media event of Osama being basically resurrected and killed again is just the latest step in some big lie that we're being dished-out by some smart, brainy, and probably psychotic people who have no scruples in what they do because they see themselves as being a cut above everybody else.
In other words:
We're being lied to.
Again. :(

Off to jerk,

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