What's your immediate impression when you first see this pic?
Be honest.
Myself, I see some guy who needs a shower and a bar of soap and some underarm deodorant and a good shave and a haircut.
I see some irresponsible bum who wants to get nothing important done or anything worth getting out of bed for accomplished - just wanting to get stoned, drunk, and basically meander through the day with no clear plan or even a vague idea on what will take-up his waking hours.
Basically, just wanting to do nothing more than hang-out with like-minded people who all want to do nothing other than what you see in this pic:
Look silly, smelly, and repulsive, and basically wander thought the day with his brain and self-preservation instincts unplugged via drugs and being brainwashed with this "hip" lifestyle, not even caring where he lays his head down to sleep.
Other than that, he's OK. :)
Some people who have done research into hippies claim this way of life was concocted and promoted by people who had connections to power and money, even though these same people promoting this shit would rather punch this guy in the face instead of be like him.
Also, the start of this hippy-dippy movement supposedly started right alongside the start of the psychadelic rock-n'-roll movement of the mid-1960s in a sleepy little neighborhood out in the LA suburbs called Laurel Canyon, a place that had, tucked away in the hills, a secret military base that was involved in film-making and propaganda (AKA fabricating brainwashing and misleading bullshit to feed to the public).
As a coincidence, a lot of the rock stars that came out of this town and time period came from families with military backgrounds, including Frank Zappa and Jim Morrison.
There are many others.
Supposedly, more than a few big names that went on to what is now called classic rock stardom couldn't even play a guitar or sing before they moved to Laurel Canyon.
Yet, they all magically came together in that spot as if by some coincidence, and shortly after getting there, started playing at local clubs, and then went on to rock superstardom.
Supposedly, these people went to the top of rock and roll purely on their own abilities and their appeal to the public, the younger people with the softer heads.
Where, in reality, they were heavily financed and promoted, even though they couldn't play or sing well enough to record an album without seasoned session musicians standing in for them while the recording process was being done.
Something to think about.

Oh, look.
It's a new 470lb. "Enduro/Adventure" bike, set to go on sale for the 2011 model year.
Truly disgusting to me that the marketing hype manufactured with these bikes wants you to think this is an off-road-worthy motorcycle.
I'll bet you a million dollars the guy riding the bike in this pic is on the verge of shitting his pants, praying he doesn't hit any unseen bumps or run over a patch of loose dirt he didn't notice.
Tons of fun would have been nice this past weekend, but, alas, it wasn't a good one for me.
No edit to yesterday's post about the Pachaug rock pile ride because I decided not to go.
When the moment of truth came and it was time to get my stuff loaded into the truck, I looked in the mirror and asked the guy I saw there how he felt and if he REALLY wanted to ride.
If I were to go, would it be because I wanted to ride, or would it be because I wanted to keep the streak alive?
The guy in the mirror said it would have been more because of the latter, so, I used my head and stood home to rest-up.
Apparently, I still didn't feel my usual self, and wondering if I should even be on the bike at all is typically not a good sign.
With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday, though, I hope to make up for missing Sunday with a ride.
The current weather forecast is for rain showers, but, there's always a chance the prediction will be wrong, even in 2010.
We'll see.
Maybe, before Thursday comes, I'll feel like installing a new set of chain and sprockets that my WR-250FY could use by now, as well as a brandy-new rear Bridgestone M-22 tire. :)
Off to jerk,
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