The time was the fall of 1983, and the bike is a 1981 Honda XR-250R.
It was my second motorcycle, and compared to my first one (a 1972 Yamaha AT-2), I had entered the modern, long-travel suspension space age.
It was a very good time. :)
The above pic is from the oldest in my collection of hundreds of photographs.
I was 17 at the time, and I'd just bought the above bike from my sister's boyfriend with money I'd earned by working as a carpenter's gopher with my grandfather (my dad's dad) for the summer.
I really didn't care for the job because I really didn't care for my grouchy son-of-a-bitch grandfather, but, that's another story. :)
Basically, I rode this bike every weekend with my buddies at a few local riding spots.
I didn't have a truck to carry it around, so that meant pushing and illegally riding the bike down the road to get there.
I was able to save some mileage by riding a few trails along the way (which are now long-gone and off limits), but, it was largely a bit of a trick to even get to the riding spot each weekend.
Once there in the morning, we'd literally ride until the sun set - that's how much we liked doing this stuff. :)
Good times.
Off to jerk,
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