The date I put on this pic is March 15th of this year.
No frost out on the porch, thank God.
I know that it's inevitable, but I still don't enjoy seeing it. :)
The sprockets on the WR-250FY are now worn to the point where the teeth are starting to get thinner.
They're not quite to the point where they're in dire need of replacing, but, I have some sprockets and a new drive chain waiting in the wings when I decide to change them.
I'll keep the sprocket sizes (number of teeth) the same, just replace them with new parts.
Going by the dates on the pics I took and saved on my PC of when I first installed the current chain and sprockets, they've been on the bike since mid-March of this year.
If memory serves, I've missed three weekends of riding this year since then, due to either weather or me not feeling well.
Each ride out in the rock pile is usually anywhere from 38 to 60 miles, with the vast majority of the rides averaging 38 miles.
Some quick math shows at least 1,100 miles on the bike since the middle of March, which ain't bad mileage out of a set of chain and sprockets used off-road.
I'm wondering if I'll be able to finish-up the month with the current parts.
I'll be keeping an eye on them.
If I deem it necessary, I'll replace them in a heartbeat, that's for sure, as I don't believe in being a tightwad with my motorcycles.
Or lazy.
Those are the two biggies that will eventually cause you grief with dirt bike maintenance - being lazy or cheap, or both.
Ignorance is a big player, too.
I still remember some of the hard-earned lessons I've learned when I first started riding my old 1972 Yamaha AT-2, having to learn it on my own.
Off to jerk,
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