These pics were taken with an old-fashioned (I feel that these days, it's on old-fashioned technique) film camera, a nice Canon 35mm camera, very much like one a news reporter or photojournalist would constantly have hanging around his neck.
It was the summer of 1984, and the bike is my then-new 1983 Yamaha YZ-125K.
Good times. :)
..............More goddam dots required...................
I was talking on the phone yesterday while at jerk to one of our customers, a shop that buys parts from us regularly.
We were on the subject of riding motocross bikes, and I mentioned that I have on old pic of mine taped to my work desk.
The person on the phone told me to put a copy up on the Internet so they could have a look, so, here are two of them.
I have literally hundreds of pictures taken back then, and I can only guess how many rolls of 35mm color film we used.
Considering I put these pics up here by merely snapping a couple of images with my Olympus digicam set on it's micro setting (for extreme close-ups), I think it didn't come out too badly.
What you think?
Off to jerk,
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