Ever remove the front wheel from your dirt bike, before?
It's something that every rider should be doing from time-to-time.
Go do it.
Do it now!

I'm not exactly smacking my lips over the thought of changing a tire, but, I really dislike riding with one that's worn.
If you're a rider that pays attention to details (and not brain dead, too), you can feel the difference right away.

Dimwit No. 1:
Gee, Leroy.
What that thar thang be?
Dimwit No. 2:
I don't know, Billy-Bob.
I says O...W...N...E...R...S...S...E...R...
Them thar be some mighty fancy words an that there book.
At least I reckon it's a book...
When I started working in motorcycle shops, I was naive.
Naive because I incorrectly assumed that people were on the ball with how you do basic maintenance to your motorcycle.
I learned the hard way that most people not only don't know how to do that, but the vast majority could not care less about it.
I was constantly asked questions that were plainly written in the book shown in the above pic, but I was taught that most guys couldn't be bothered to read it and learn about their own equipment.
To me, this is a form of sacrilege, punishable by being beaten with a dented exhaust pipe from a 1978 YZ-250E. :)
I got my fork oil level lowered, as well as got my front tire change done.
I found out that the guy who set the oil level before I got the forks had them off from each other by 5mm, a noticeable amount as far as performance goes.
One leg was at 95mm from the top, and the other was 100mm from the top.
What I did was lower the oil level in each fork leg to 105mm from the top of the outer tube, so that means one leg was reduced 5mm and the other 10mm.
Now, to wait for the weekend and give this new setting, as well as my new front tire, a test.
Off to jerk,
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