Tuesday, May 1, 2012

368 Dollars Better Used Somewhere Else

This past Saturday morning, I turned my cable TV box into the cable TV company, and I no longer have any cable TV access.
That's just fine and dandy with me, and I decided to do that because I no longer feel that the amount of money it takes to pay the monthly TV bill is worth it, anymore.
See, the monthly bill has been going up for what seems like every other month for the last year, and if memory serves, it's gone up $30 per month in just the past six months.
Seeing how the only time I turn the TV on is to watch some kind of motorcycle race (about 25 hours PER YEAR, I estimate), I felt the time had come to get rid of that cable box, save about $90 per month, and use my home PC to watch my motorcycle races, dammit.
Shit, now that I've done it, I only wish that I'd done it years sooner, folks, as I do not miss it one bit seeing that I had quit watching TV regularly at least 10 years ago.
It's just no good for your brain, people.  ;)

A fantastic side benefit of having no cable TV bill every month is that I can better afford keeping fresh tires on the ol' CRF-450X9 for my weekend Pachaug enduro loop rides.
In fact, I should put a new rear tire on this morning after I submit this bloggy post, as the rear tire is now worn down enough to easily tell it's due for replacement if I want to keep a good feel for the next ride.
Yes, goddammit, I'll gladly trade that stupid cable TV box in order to better afford keeping fresh tires on the bike.

This past weekend's Pachaug rock n' roll pile ride was not a great one.
This time of year, and ever since I got into my 30s, I'm effected by something that makes me feel bad, effecting my concentration, balance, mental ability, and mood.
I doubt it's PMS.
Good question, because whatever the cause is, it had a big effect on my feel for this past Sunday's ride.
I had no mishaps, thank God, but I couldn't get the usual amount of enjoyment out if it, either - not by a long shot.
It actually hurt my head to concentrate on my riding, and that's too bad because the ground conditions were good and the weather was fine.
We'll see what this weekend brings.

Time to change a tire.


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