Saturday, November 19, 2011

345 Protesters Arrested at the Latest Occupy Wall Street Gig

Just where did this occupy Wall Street shit come from, anyway?
Seems that just a couple of months ago, it sprang up from nowhere, and if I read correctly, it's some kind of supposed grass roots movement where every-day people who are fed up with how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer are protesting here, there, and where ever.

I'd really like to think that people everywhere were going to do something about their situation in life, but, I just don't see it happening.
Not like that.
I would expect to see the vast majority of people getting all upset and ready to kill somebody if their Monday Night Football were taken away from them, or if alcohol were suddenly removed from the free market, or if they no longer had SUVs to drive to the mall in.
Do something about the crooks, liars, and murderers that are in high places?
The ones that believe they've got some kind of divine right to rule over everybody else because only they and their supposed equals are the only ones that possess real intelligence and the only mature minds on the planet?
I really doubt it, folks.
What I would expect is that this Wall Street gig is yet another supposed revolution fad that's actually a form of controlled opposition.
Controlled by who?
The very guys these supposed protesters are protesting (or occupying) about.

Yeah, if you want to somehow divert people's attention - the people you've been fucking out of their labor and worthless money for thousands of years - away from you and your crooked scheme and direct them toward something else, why not just start a club that, on the surface, looks like it wants to really make things better, but in reality is a pied piper that leads these fools off into another direction.
A direction that lets it be known who these participants are, where they are from, what their views are, how much they know, how they think, and, most of all, it keeps the limelight off of the bigshots.

Here's all the proof I need to know that this won't amount to a hill of beans:

How do you think those Twin Towers came down, and why?
If you honestly believe the planes did it, you are both a real dummy when it comes to 2nd grade physics (and common sense), and you are in denial about the whole thing because the thought of any other explanation really bothers you.
How are you supposed to get stoned while at work in peace if you are contemplating who wired those buildings with explosives?
Since we're on the subject, how long do you estimate it would have taken to get those buildings wired and setup in order for them to be demolished like that?
A week?
A month?
Two months?
How many people do you think it took to do that?
Where are they drawing their checks from?
Or, did they work for free?

The proof I'm talking about is that these two skyscrapers full of people were brought down right in front of everybody, thousands of people died, we were given a shit excuse that terrorists did it, the crime scene was cleaned-up pronto without any kind of investigation as to how those buildings came down, and here we are, going along as if it is no big deal and as if it never happened.
Ask somebody what they think about it and how it was pulled-off, and most will repeat what they heard on the news (the official story).

Try this one:

April of 1995 in Oklahoma City.
Remember what happened then?
A big building, the Alfred P. Murrah building, crammed with people was wrecked when (supposedly) two losers parked a van full of fertilizer in front of it and lit a match.
These two guy were supposed to be the only two people on Earth involved, and their bullshit bomb was supposed to be a bomb forceful enough to blow the front half of a hardened target (a building made of reinforced concrete) away as if it were wet tissue paper.
Well, anybody who doesn't want to bury their face in a case of Budweiser would know that those those two guys were willing fools who were played and setup to be the patsies in the whole operation.
Who knows how many people were involved with rigging that building with the wired explosives (shaped charges) that actually caused the blasts and actually did the damage, and if you look at a pic of the remains of the building after the blasts, it was even done to look like a big bomb went off in front of the building.
And, when the remains of the building were finally demolished, do you know how they were brought down?
Well, it sure as hell wasn't by a van with bullshit in it.
It was done with (more) shaped charges.
In other words, a team of experts did it, two retards took the blame in a story that should make you want to throw up, and people today basically shrug if you bring this up.

So, basically, Occupy Wall Street can take a long walk off a short pier.
I see it as, basically, a bunch of willing fools who are getting involved in something funded by the very ones at the top of the whole mess to begin with.


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