Man, what an awful-looking pic.
You know who that is, don't you?
It's Britney Spears, performing in some new music video that I made sure I haven't watched and became sick because of.
I felt like adding this pic and comments as an edit to today's post because she looked so downright ugly in this pic.
Amazing how that is the case, no matter how long the hair stylist and makeup artist and wardrobe person spent on her before the pic was taken.
Sorry, I'll take a helping of God-given beauty, thanks, as Britney seems to have erased all of the artificial beauty in one fell swoop by striking this pose.
Poor girl.

I saw this new game available for playing on Facebook this morning.
That hip dip couple looks like a couple of people I went to school with.
I was wondering what had happened to them since graduation, too.
I tried smoking pot when I was 16 and 17 years old.
For the same ol' reason a lot of other people start smoking it, I imagine:
It was readily available and it had some kind of try-this-and-you'll-be-a-cool-dude mystique about it.
Well, I smoked it semi-regularly (mainly on weekends) for about a year, and then suddenly realized I didn't want to end-up looking like the couple shown in that pic above.
And I don't just mean in physical looks or appearance.
I mean in believing what was important to me, not to mention my health.
I didn't want to look like some grubby hippie that thought getting high was Job One.
I came to dislike having my mind clouded by a substance in my bloodstream, affecting how I felt.
(To me, that's very unnatural, although pot smokers will always claim pot is all-natural, insinuating that it's good for you, so get off their back about it.)
I didn't want to have breath and clothes that smelled like burning leaves.
(That stuff stinks, by the way, although lots of potheads seem to think they've got everybody fooled with how sly and sneaky they are by smoking the stuff where and when they shouldn't be.
Get off it, dude, because I can smell it pretty easily.
Like, from a mile away.
And, the smell lingers in an area for quite a while, long after Lenny Pothead Toker has finished puffing his little roach.
You can literally smell it on the walls. :) )
I didn't want to be on drugs, most of all.
That stuff contains a drug that makes you all spacey, although supporters will call it something like "a relaxant", or that it "frees your mind" or, which is often said, to "help my concentration".
Sorry, folks - it's a drug, plain and simple, and I wanted no part in being a drug addict.
Drug addict pretty much sums it up, you know.
Every pothead I've known would be offended at being called a drug addict.
For a time, I regularly hung around other potheads.
I wouldn't matter that they don't want to go very long from one joint to the next because in their mind, they're not addicted to anything.
They just like to smoke it and they believe it isn't hurting anything.
Hell, they would say it helps them by relaxing them, or helping their concentration, or whatever else they feel like conjuring-up about the benefits of smoking pot.
To me, all that is putting a pleasant light on the fact that when you like to smoke pot, and make it a habit, and don't want to go very long without it, you are a drug addict.
You like it.
You want it.
You would defend it against naysayers because you believe in it and you think it is good.
You will even treat it as if it's something that won't hurt your lungs, never mind that you are still sucking smoke into your body.
That is another common thing amongst pot smokers:
They will often not even consider smoking pot to be smoking something as far as the health of their lungs and the rest of their body goes.
Many times, a pothead will be happy to tell somebody how they don't smoke, yet they'll suck that marijuana smoke in the next chance they get.
What they mean is that they don't smoke tobacco cigarettes, and although they still toke the pot, it's not as much smoking as it was when they smoked cigarettes, and you're not supposed to know about or speak publicly about their pot smoking habit.
That doesn't count, in other words, so cut them some slack.
To me, that's like saying you've given up eating junk food, yet you'll regularly suck down a Hostess Twinky when one is suddenly in front of you.
You're still a junk food junkie - you have just changed your eating schedule.
Reduced it?
Quit it?
Don't bullshit me.
Wouldn't it be ironic, though, if these nature freaks who defend that stuff were to find out that the smoke from it is as harmful to their bodies as cigarette smoke?
Off to another freebee Saturday at jerk,
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