An angry Egyptian, yesterday afternoon, after he discovered he'd been had.
On top of all that, he forgot to bring home the pound of margarine and gallon of milk.
Oh, my god!
Something's got to be done about all of the unrest in Egypt!
The sky is falling, too!
Basically, there's not much I can do except comment that it's all an intentionally instigated event to start with, in my opinion.
Before anything you'll hear on the TV news or read about on the good ol' Internet (on an official news website, of course), I'm much more likely to believe that this is all drummed-up in order to benefit somebody other than the people doing the yelling and bleeding.
Maybe it was simply decided that the guy presiding over the country of Egypt has used-up his usefulness and it's simply time for him to go bye-bye.
So, the boys that made it possible for him to get there have now taken action to get him out of there, and, being the sneaky and covert bunch that they are, they do it by manipulating people into thinking it's some kind of grass-roots movement instigated by the average Joe on the Egyptian streets.
I sure as heck don't believe that.
I'm more likely to believe it was carefully planned, things done to get people all riled-up, and, very important, media coverage falsely portraying what's really going on over there.
In the end, once things die down, the guys really running the Egyptian show will have somebody new who they like this week in there.
Then, they can go about raking-in some great tax money from average Joe Egyptian, perhaps more than ever.
Why not?
That's what they're doing to you and me over here in the USA, ain't it?
I'm getting taxed more than ever, and I don't see my local neighborhood changing one bit because of it, other than everybody having a harder time making ends meet.
Ever wonder where all of your tax money really goes?
Off to jerk,
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