This morning, I read an article that most call a "product review", but to me, it's more of an advertisement for everybody to read and become aware of something on the market for sale.
It was for a Bell street bike helmet, called the Star, and, of course, it came off as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I even left a comment, saying that the last time I bought a Bell helmet was back in the olden daze, when the familiar Bell logo was still a USA trademark.
These days, the helmets are made in China, like a whole lotta' other products you buy in the USA, today.
Just why in the heck is everything being made in China, anyway?
Why should I care about it?
Well, the "why" is because, I believe, that's how the big shots that have the money and power to do so want it done.
I really don't believe for a half-second that the country of China is in the process of becoming industrialized all by itself, as if the Chinese people woke up one morning recently and decided to build factories and lure US production of products over there with the bait of cheap labor from the Chinese people, meaning more profit for the wealthy people who control the manufacturing.
That's probably what the tycoons would want you to believe, and although that would seem bad enough (the US businessmen and their factories leaving the United States, cutting jobs for US citizens, and moving into a factory in China to employ Chinese people), what I feel the REAL story is is actually much, much worse, and even more of a kick in the balls to the people in the USA.
I think it is actually a case of the wealthy corporations and International bankers of the world (you know, the guys who actually call the shots) intentionally uprooting from the USA and voluntarily moving over to China and putting up their factories, taking advantage of all of those people over there who will work all day long in sweat shops for $2 a day.
Agreements were hammered-out among the big players of the banking and corporate world, a world that you and I aren't privy to or have any vote or voice in, and these guys are pumping the money into China and, basically, putting it through it's own version of an Industrial Revolution.
So, China is becoming the world's manufacturer and going through such changes because foreigners from the USA and Europe are doing it.
This is because they smell a profit to be made.
If China was left alone and not being tampered with, they'd probably still be paddling up rivers in bamboo boats and swinging from trees in the jungle.
But, that's not the biggest thing that effects you.
How would you have voted if you were asked for your input onto this subject:
How do you feel about setting up an agreement to lure US factories over to China and promising them that any start-up costs and teething pains would be paid for by the US taxpayer?
What would have been your vote on that one?
Were you even asked about it?
Were you even made aware of it?
Think about that one for a bit, and you probably won't perceive that familiar MADE IN CHINA label quite the same.
Off to jerk,
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