We HAVE to start saving the planet.
But first, let's get stoned.
I got a kick out of some of the posts I read on a forum yesterday.
It was a forum dedicated to the WR-250R and WR-250X, and the thread was discussing opinions of keeping the stock muffler and fuel injection programming versus aftermarket ones made for better throttle response and power.
Naturally, the most vocal one was for keeping the bike 100% stock, keeping it all plugged-up, and, not surprisingly, the guy basically sounded (or read, since I couldn't actually hear his voice)
as if he were some kind of brainwashed environMentalist who thinks it's a crime against every person on the planet to modify the bike so it will run better.
Not only a crime against every person on the planet (actually, hardcore enviro-nuts would rather have you and me die so that there are less people on Earth wrecking it - they would be allowed to remain, though ;) ), but a crime against the planet, itself.
Cynics out there will say I'm being way too presumptuous by drawing those thoughts from reading a thread on a motorcycle message board if the the guy doing the writing didn't come out and write that, himself.
I don't think I'm too far overboard, though, as the guy went on to add that he went from aftermarket muffler and FI programmer back to the stock parts, and did so in order to sneak around as he rode his WR without disturbing anybody, and also in order to help the environment via keeping the catalytic converter that's inside the stock muffler.
He also claimed better low end power just above idle speed, and although I don't remember that being tha case with my own modified WR-250RX from last year, at least that claim is based in the realm having to do with the actual performance of the motorcycle and not written as some sort of environmental statement and a pat on his own back for doing something to help the goddamn planet.
Like the planet is really in need of help in the first place.
Myself, I think that anybody who favors a catalytic converter-stuffed muffler on his motorcycle is either a complete newbie who is literally still learning how to ride (so he doesn't need any additional performance), an old-timer who's too frail to require any additional performance, or has been brainwashed by the environmental propaganda that's been put out there for decades, now.
I don't mean the guy who is basically riding around with the stock muffler simply because he feels no need to spend money modifying the bike.
I'm talking about the guy who makes it a point and wants to let his fellow riders know that the stock muffler is the way to go for the typical enviro reasons.
Some guys will write really nice things about other people they see riding their dirt bikes in the woods, especially when they don't agree with that the other guy is doing.
Just a couple days ago, while the subject was on how much noise is acceptable from a dirt bike ridden on trails and whether or not you should use the stock muffler, one guy wrote that when he sees (and I'm going to try to recall the exact words):
"...some asshole ripping a trench with his loud bike through a damp meadow, I want to shoot the stupid son of a bitch..."
I really don't know whether that's just a humorous figure of speech or if the guy really got all hot and bothered over the incident and started to get a twitch in his trigger finger, but that is an example of how even other dirt bike riders sometime feel about other people doing dirt bike riding, especially when the guy doing the observing is a closet environmental kook.
Myself, if the guy doing the trench ripping was on land he wasn't supposed to be on, and he knew it, I guess I can't complain about that kind of a comment.
If he was simply out in the middle of the woods, and maybe faced with the decision of either riding his bike out of a soggy piece of land or leaving it there and walking home, I'm all for ripping a trench to get my ass out of there and back to food, drink, and shelter from the elements.
Maybe the enviro-guy with the trigger finger would have calmly shut his engine off, leave his WR-250RX axle-deep in the wet ground, hike back to his hybrid enviro-econobox vehicle, and dial-up some 911 environmental save-the-planet rescue squad to come extract his bike in some enviro-approved manner.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy with the itchy trigger finger couldn't ride his own bike to save his life, which is something I've come to see for myself over the years.
Basically, the typical scenario is that the more of an environmentalist the guy is, the crummier of a dirt bike rider he is.
Maybe he was just envious of the guy roosting through the woods. :)
Off to jerk,
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