Yeah, you've probably noticed I write about the previous day's activities when I do this stuff for you all, haven't ya'?
That's not too bad - the news is still reasonably fresh.
I'll even throw in a 100% money back guarantee that my blog will be fresh.
What a deal, eh?
The above pic is of my local Post Office.
I registered for the draft right here, way back when they were using cannons with cannon balls.
This place is tiny.
If you pull up with your front bumper a millimeter away from the railing, your rear bumper is hovering directly over the edge of the road.
If some poor sucka' is gonna' get his vehicle towed away like the sign says, will there be enough room for the tow truck to get in there?
I should try it to find out.

It's Meet More Coworkers time!
This is Joe.
Joe is a very energetic and highly intelligent fellow, and he can always be seen doing something that makes a difference.
He also likes to have himself surrounded by stuff.
Lots and lots of stuff.
Just take a look at the pic.
See all that stuff?
I think he likes feeling claustrophobic.
Joe is the kind of guy who will be tackling a dozen different projects at once.
Then, just like a complicated sifter in that head of his, only the REALLY important ones will make it to the end, and any non important tasks get punted off the mental road, left to be blown around by the winds of obscurity like old McDonald's wrappers along the road.
In fact, in this pic, he's taking a phone call that came into the Parts Dept (the guy on the phone wants to know if we have any new grips), texting a message, and surfing the Internet for just the perfect set of draped for his den at home.
That's talent, folks. :)

This is the room where our 6th work station was recently created.
Ironically, it has been used only a handful of times.
This was Joe's idea.
Now, it looks like it's a storage bin for rear wheel pulleys.
I understand that the password needed to start that PC up is ultra-secret and very difficult to crack.
That's why you'll never see me using it.

That's a pretty wide tire, huh?
That must be for a YZ-85, I betcha'.
All the top guys are using it.
You should, too.

When doing a spectacular job, you must know how to follow instructions correctly.
You know what I mean?

Don't strike a match around this mountain of paper.
It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic, myself, of else I'd be sweating and going into convulsions all day long.
I think that one day, we should set up this giant pile in the middle of the showroom and wheelie the pitbikes through it.
What you think?
Sounds like fun, no?
Don't be a party pooper.

It's hard to see the forest for the trees.
Well, that stuff used to be trees, anyway.
I'd better pick up that cell phone I always seem to forget to buy just in case I get lost and can't find my way back to my chair.
Somebody leave me a comment and tell me what color cell phone I should buy.
I want to be sure I'm hip and keep up with the times.

God, what a scary-looking box of invoices.
Looks like somebody has got a bit of filing to do...
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