Yesterday while coming out of a Better Val-U supermarket, I was asked by a couple of solicitors (people that ask you for money for no immediately apparent reason) to give them some money.
Since I still has my change in my hand, I said they could have the two dollar bills I was holding.
One of the guys said thanks and stuffed this paper into my hand.
I still haven't read it all the way through, so I still don't really know what I gave those guys money for.
Here it is if you're curious.
Is it anything illegal?
Aww, it ain't? :)

This is just part of my collection of oils and chemicals used on my motorcycles.
This stuff is kept inside the house, kept on a table directly behind where I'm sitting while typing this very informative stuff for you guys to read and learn from.
We've got some Honda Spray Polish (not for your fingernails...and it better be white :) ), Honda coolant, Yamalube 4-stroke oils, in semi-synthetic and full-synthetic and petroleum-based, Silkolene full-synthetic 4-stroke oil, a couple of Maxima pre-oiled air filters for my WR-250FY, some neat stickers, and various spare parts that are waiting for a future use, if they're actually ever needed at all, that is.
You know the old saying:
If you have a spare clutch cable waiting in the wings, you'll never need it.
So, if you, yourself, don't already have a spare clutch cable on hand, best be gettin' one, Buckwheat.
You hear me? :)

Here's another pic of my WR-250RX, the dual-purpose bike that now stays on the street since I have the WR-250FY for the real off-road riding.
This bike is a lot of fun on the tight back roads that are common around these parts - it can go very fast on these roads.
It doesn't do that from outright power because it doesn't have a truckload of power, but just enough.
It does it by having light-feeling handling that gives you the confidence to rail around the tightest of corners without slowing down much, if at all.
In other words:
You get it up to speed and keep it there.
Accelerating through the gears is typically done with the throttle fully open.
I'm still amazed at the speed that can be maintained while cranked over pretty hard, and that's with the stock Bridgestone Trail Wing dual-purpose tires, too.
Quite an amazing little bike, people.

Here is what you might call a custom chopper.
Not the kind of bike for me, that's for sure.
This bike DOESN'T handle well and DOESN'T feel fun to ride on challenging terrain.
No, no.
This bike was built for somebody that wants to show his buddies what kind of a garbage scow he just blew $30,000 on.
Some guys say to me, "Well, oh yeah? I can get all kinds of chicks on my bike...", blah-blah-blah.
You need a bike for that?
How many chicks out there really like this bike?
C'mon, caveman.
I think they're smarter than that.

Here is one of the pitbikes I told you about.
Looks like this one started off as a Honda XR-50R or CF-F50F, which is the same bike with a different name and stickers.
What people do is buy these small bikes and spend beaucoup amounts of money on them hopping them up for recreational riding and racing.
This one has street tires on it for motard action on pavement.
Another popular model is the Kawasaki KLX-110.
Do any of you out there know anybody that's spent loads of cash on a KLX-110?
Huh? :)
I've done the same thing myself, though, but my bike of choice is the Yamaha TT-R125L.
I've had 4 or 5 of these bikes, and I spend my share of loot on 'em having a ball riding them.
In fact, I'm thinking about picking up another one to do that same thing, once again, because I can feel the itch coming back.
I must scratch it. :)

Suzuki RM-Z and Yamaha YZ.
Which would you rather ride?
It's quiz time.
One of these bikes is produced in the color that it's manufacturer has been using since day one, and one is not.
Which is which?
If I like your answer, I just might give you a new pair of grips to use for your next oil change. :)

I thought this was funny.
See how the railing is blocking part of the letter P, making the word look like FARTS?
Yes, that's the department I work in:
The Farts Dept. :)
Later tonight, I'll probably post some pics and give you all some more wisdom from today's tire change and trail riding session with the WR-250FY - the fire breather.
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