See that?
I nicked myself while shaving, again.
Took about an hour to finally stop bleeding.
Here, I'm having fun telling a complete stranger all about it over the telephone.
They were extremely interested and very impressed.
Had another late night at the office last night, so for the second night in a row, I didn't get a whole lotta' sleep.
It's a good thing I'm an iron man that's in excellent physical condition, or else I'd probably pass out while typing these words, these very funny words for all of you people to read.
I believe it pays not to be a boozer and a non-smoker and a guy that doesn't pop crazy pills or do drugs of any kind.
No, thanks - that silly stuff ain't for me.
Never has been.
Everyone I know or have known in the past that started smoking at a young age winds up wanting to quit years later.
It's hard to quit that stuff, too, because you become addicted to it.
Both with your body, because your body will crave it if it doesn't get it's daily dose, and with your mind because it believes it's really something so great.
Well, it ain't people.
It hurts you.
It wrecks your health.
It fries your brain.
And - if you really go overboard with that crap - gets you in trouble with your family, friends, and Johnny Law.
No, not me, even though what I write in these posts is indisputably law just because I say so.
I mean the cops and the legal system.
So, stay away from that stuff, people, especially you young people out there, lest you turn out like the budding hoodlum in the pic below...

Who, me?"
See that confused expression on this young man's face?
This, my friends, is what booze and drugs can do to you.
Noel once had a normally-functioning brain, but not any longer.
He's well and truly burned-out.
In this pic, he's stoned out of his mind.
Such a pity.
Wasted at the tender age of 13, before that squishy little brain of his even had a chance to reach maturity.
Now, since he's been a hardcore drug and alcohol abuser since he was bouncing up and down inside of his crib, he'll never be able to fully develop his mind and experience all of those wonderful things that non-drug abusers take for granted.
Things like being able to add 2+2 without a calculator, and knowing which is your left and right foot without having to wear those shoes that have the letters L and R on them.
And even then, he'll probably try to put them on the wrong foot.
It's such a pity.
I'm going to have a looooooooooong talk with his mom and dad about his behavior.
They'll probably suspend his allowance until he reaches 21.
Well, like the title of this post said, it was another short one.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get some reasonable sleep tonight and do a longer one tomorrow.
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