Three cheers for the red, white, and blue.
I still need to find a home for those Ruckus Life stickers, too.
I noticed that rhymes, did you?
Yes, my immense talents make you cry boo-hoo-hooooooo. :)
I got that itty-bitty American flag pennant from a guy soliciting (look it up, people) for money for war veterans outside the local Better-Val-U supermarket in good ol' Plainfield last Saturday afternoon.
Since I still had three one dollar bills still in my hand, I handed them over to the guy and got this pennant in exchange.
Cute little thing, ain't it?
Just like me.

This pose was all Noel's idea, people.
Think what you may of it...
Yesterday (Thursday) was the last day of internship for our little friend with the still-developing mind.
Yes, people, Noel has left the building.
He was working (working?) at our shop as part of some kind of intern program run by the school he goes to, or some kind of gig like that.
I'll miss the little fella', although he promises (or is that threatens?) to come in from time to time and visit.
Take care, little buddy, Mr. Young Money.
I'm actually feeling a bit down this morning.
I often wish that I had a more outgoing personality like a lot of peolpe that I know and even work with, but, I don't.
That's just not who I am.
Who I am is a guy who can and will be so quiet and reserved at times that it will actually start to annoy other people who are around me.
That's a very good question.
I didn't ask to be shy, you know.
It just happened.
All by itself.
I think it's just a case of it being how my brain and body chemistry developed, and I do believe you can inherit certain personality traits - my own mother was very much like this.
Also, I have to admit, if I'm going to be completely honest with you people out there in Blogland (and I always will be, along with a teeny, tiny bit of humor :) ), my father didn't help matters when I was going through my formative years as a young teen.
He wasn't the warm and loving kind of dad to me.
Very much the opposite, really, and I could only look and watch at other, more normal father/son relationships I saw.
Not loving or supportive or interested in what I was interested in.
Our relationship was more of a well-you-got-a-roof-and-food-and-clothes...what-more-do-you-expect-from-me? kind of thing.
It was at it's worst when I was feeling down about something, and, instead of coming up to me to ask what the trouble was, he's insult me for looking depressed and tell me I was stupid for being that way, basically.
He'd kick me while I was down in that way.
I believe that years of this put a dent in my self-confidence, and here I am.
I mean, can't you tell from the pic below that I'm all messed-up?

Somebody get me a doctor...quick.
Yes, YOU. :)
I don't mind writing this personal stuff for you guys and girls out there in Blogland.
It's true, and it's common knowledge to people that I know, anyway.
I'm just confirming your suspicions, you sneaky little devils, you. :)
And, on the bright side (lest I start sounding too depressed), today is a brand new day, and it's up to me to go and see what it might bring me.
Hopefully something good. :)
Off to jerk.
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