Sunday, December 23, 2012

415 Cavities in Your Teeth

Sounds like you need to brush more.

What made me think of a dentist is some stupid news story I saw posted on a message board.
Some 50-something male dentist had to fire his supposedly "too hard to resist" 32-or-so years old "blonde hottie" of an assistant of 10 years because the dentist's wife, who also works in the same dental office, caught-on to their secret text messages and wanted to nip any kind of blossoming affair in the bud.
So, the wife demanded he fire this "too hot" assistant, and now, after some legal battle, some Iowa court ruled that the dentist was within the law in doing so.

This seems, to me, like some kind of National Enquirer- type of story that is along the lines of a soap opera on printed paper.
Personally, I could see this happening at any time, in any country, at any point in history you care to point-out.
Just what is so new and news-worthy about some 50-year-old of an aging man getting a stiffie at work every day when he sees his "irresistible" assistant bending over to pick up some dropped files or leaning over a patient with one-too-many buttons undone, and then having the "real boss" wife get in the way and kick the younger girl out?
That's news?
Some younger girl wearing tight clothes at the work place so a man can check-out her body is something new?
I can see that at the two local Post Offices around here or at a couple of local supermarkets, people.
Free of charge.

And, the old wife says something about it only 10 years after the younger girl came along?

So, that's why the express checkout lane at the supermarket has so many middle-aged guys in it buying more small items than they really need.  ;)

No, what would be the proper thing to do would be to print the WHOLE story about how the old hag wife was tired of the threesomes they would frequently have after hours and she demanded her dental husband get rid of the same-ol', same-'ol and get some new thighs-and-blood into the office and break her in right.
Think it can't happen?
Boy, have you been living under an Ohbummerscare rock, Bucky Beaver.
I think you need to go to the dentist for a tooth polishing.

Today is Sunday, and it's time to head-out for another Pachaug enduro loop ride on the ol' WR-250FP.
The weather is actually better than forecast because it didn't dip below freezing last night as predicted, and the high temp for today is supposedly to reach 41 degrees.
I expect more standing water than usual due to heavy rain we had on Friday, but I can live with that easier than an icy patch covered with leaves.
My rear tire is still the same ol' worn one, but, I'm on a pay cut budget.
This is the longest I've run the same rear tire since my teenager days.

I'm off,

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