The WR-250FY Firebreather just after being washed following today's Pachaug rock pile ride.
It was a good one, I'm glad to say.
Or, more accurately, write. ;)
I've read that the real meaning behind 666 is not that it means the Antichrist, but really is an esoteric (meant to be hidden from all the dumb people down below the supremely evolved bigshots with the truly mature minds) meaning for the ultimate in human achievement:
The New Man.
Or, when man has become perfected enough - through the use of superior intellect - to become god.
Notice I used a lower case g. ;)
Naturally, only those who have superior brains and the correct genetic makeup are capable of such things.
Today's ride in the ol' Pachaug rock n' roll pile was a pretty good one. I rate it a 7.5 out of 10.
That's not too shabby.
It could have been better, but there was a lot of standing water in the usual spots where water collects after a good rain, and that's what we got on Thursday and Friday.
Still, even though there were some slippery spots, I felt good and I rode in a decent manner and I enjoyed myself out there.
I'm looking forward to going out there again next weekend, already, and that's a good sign. :)
I also saw a couple of skinny trees that had been intentionally bulldogged down across the trail, probably by some skinny punk environmental fuckface retard bozo freak loser jerk.
These homos, assuming that they are truly irritated that guys like myself ride their dirt bikes on the LEGAL DIRT BIKE TRAIL, YOU GODDAMN IDIOTS, seriously need to get a life.
No, wait.
They need to get punched in the face, and then get a life.
I saw plenty of tire tracks out there, today, and also saw fellow riders at their trucks parked in the parking lot at the start of the rockpile loop, but I didn't actually see anybody while out on the loop, let alone ride with anybody else.
My ol' buddy Tim the Squirrel Defender called me just after I got the bike washed and told me that he was out there on his mammoth Honda XR-650R, as well, although he said he started his ride just after I finished mine.
Well, I guess it's time for beauty sleep.
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