Sunday, September 11, 2011

328 Lies Told to You

Well, well, well.
It's the 10th anniversary of the 911 "attacks".
I already wrote my views on all of this, and I think it's a shame that when you read and hear about what happened 10 years ago, we're still getting the same lies.
I simply do not believe guys from the Middle East pulled this supposed attack off, do not believe the planes brought those buildings down, and most assuredly do believe that it's all a big lie to divert you from knowing who was really behind it and how and why they did it.
It's basically for similar reasons why you've been brainwashed to think that you and I are damaging the Earth's environment:
To make you easier to control by other people that feel you're way too stupid to do that yourself, and therefor they have the right to be way over you in the pecking order of life.

Because, you see, folks, the more powerful a person becomes, the bigger his head gets.
Once the size of his head gets to critical proportions, there's no turning back, and he basically believes he has a divine right to do whatever he wishes to you, and can do anything he feels like in order to give himself a lush lifestyle, not to mention the rush he gets knowing he's got power over other people.
You know - a psycho.
He may be a nice psycho, but a psycho just the same.
He's just either hiding that part from you, or, if he's a real bigshot, you never see him, but you do see his henchmen.

Yesterday, I rode the WR-250FY out on the ol' Pachaug enduro loop, AKA the rockpile.
I'd rate the ride as a 6.5 overall, mainly because of two reasons:
The sun was out brightly, and especially if I'm feeling in a certain mood it seems, the bright light on the ground makes it hard for me to pick-out details.
You know, details like a big rock I'd rather miss (and easily do so as long as I see it).
Also, there was more water on the ground than usual due to heavy rain we got a couple of days before.
Because of these conditions combined, I felt a bit cautious and apprehensive during most of the ride.
So, it wasn't a bad ride, but not a great one, either.
I did enjoy my favorite whooped-out pine-needled sections, as usual, and I survived the not-as-enjoyable sections without any bad incidents, other than backing the pace down a notch at times.

Today, I'm going out there again.


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