This is called Maxima FFT foam filter oil.
Excellent stuff because it works as a foam filter oil should.

This is called shit.
When I first started working in motorcycle dealership Parts Departments back in the olden days, I was naive about something big.
I (incorrectly) assumed that most guys would have a clue about how their motorcycles worked and be willing to learn how to maintain them starting from when they got their first bike.
Reality sunk in when I realized that the vast majority are exactly the opposite:
Not only could they not care less about learning how their own bikes work (or the bikes that their parents buy for them because they're spoiled pieces of shit), but they never had any intention at all of learning how to maintain them.
That's waaaaaaaaayy too much like asking to do some kind of work.
Yes, folks, the majority of motorcycle riders are that lazy and that stupid, and when things go wrong for them and their motorcycles, well, they deserve it because they're too fuckin' dumb and lazy to deserve good results.
They don't even earn the right to be known as motorcyclists.
They are simply poser me-too dummies that happen to ride a motorcycle because they think it will make them look cool to their simple-brained "friends".
Even if this guy is a fast rider, it is no guarantee that he's not a retard.
In fact, odds are very good he'll be nothing more than a retard.
What's this got to do with the pics up above?
The pics show two competing brands of a special oil used on motorcycles that feature what's called an oiled foam air filter.
The air filter does just that - filters the air that a dirt bike engine inhales in order to run and make power.
Without the dirt being filtered out of the air first, the engine will wear out very quickly, and little Billy Bob Shithead from down the street will be wondering why-oh-why did his lousy rat of a dirt bike quit running.
Poor Billy Bob Shithead.
He should go play a video game and smoke a joint in order to help take his little pea brain off of it.
The oiled foam air filter is a piece of foam rubber that needs special air filter oil (like the ones in the pictures) applied to it in order to stop the incoming dirt.
This oil goes on thin like water, and after a few minutes, the carrier chemical mixed with the oil evaporates, leaving behind a very sticky oil that stays on the foam.
It's this oil that the dirt sticks to.
Without the oil on the foam filter, the dirt will go right on through and into the engine.
Some dummies, it seems, don't mind that happening to the bikes their parents bought for them to destroy, or the bikes they bought with their drug money.
And, when it comes to foam filter oils, the Maxima FFT shown in the top pic is vastly superior.
Why is it better?
It stays on the filter much better and gets much stickier.
It does a much better job of being a foam filter oil.
No wonder it's been around for about 30 years.
This is my choice in air filter oils, and has been since 1982.
So, it's Maxima FFT all the way.
Unless you're a moron.
Or, a pinhead.
The other shit in the lower pic is called No Toil foam filter oil.
The marketing goobers that sell this junk don't really care about you or your dirt bike engine, you little stupid bastard.
They are simply out to make a buck by latching onto some stupid marketing (AKA: lying) scam by claiming that their junk is environmentally friendly because (according to these crooks) their foam filter oil is not only biodegradable, but can be cleaned with their stupid powered soap cleaner in your mom's washing machine, you silly little braindead kiddies.
So, it's simply a case of this inferior oil being sold by the douchebags that produce and market (AKA: pure bullshit) it to other douchebags that ride (but don't know how to maintain) the bikes they stole, and this oil is being passed off as the latest and greatest thing.
In reality, this No Toil shit is some of the wimpiest stuff in the world.
Pour a dab onto your finger, allow the carrier to evaporate, and then rub your finger across a towel.
The oil comes right off your finger with practically no resistance.
Try the same with Maxima FFT.
Fact is, you won't get the oil off your finger without either a solvent that cuts through petroleum oil, or allow it time to eventually wear off.
I hope you like having a sticky finger, you asshole. :)
Young airheads actually buy this No Toil junk because of the second marketing (lying) claim made by the creeps that make this stuff.
That is:
It's easy to clean a dirty filter with No Toil, while other filter oils make that job a real pain in tha ass that should be avoided as all costs.
They say a filter can be cleaned in either your sink or washing machine, making that rrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaly dreadful task of air filter cleaning and oiling a thing of the past.
Too bad all of the fuckface jerks out there, who can't be troubled to figure out how to take care of their (now quite ratty) bikes, swallow this crap as gospel.
Since these simpletons are all about wanting to do nothing like an honest day's work, they swallow this bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
So, you deserve a blown-up engine, Leroy Onetooth.
There is little doubt the reason the goobers that market (dirty lies) No Toil can get away with peddling junk like that is because most riders are too dumb to be concerned with their air filter, and most bucktoothed simpletons couldn't care less if they remembered to even look at their air filters, never mind service it correctly.
Just as long as the bike starts and runs, no matter how rattly, squeaky, and creaky it is, it's good enough for Lenny Geekenheimer and his friend Fuckface Charley.
And, the No Toil camp knows this and preys on it.
It's dirty money.
Next time you're at your local motorcycle dealer's Parts Dept., look to see who is reaching for the No Toil.
Betcha' he's an inbred psychotic kiddie sex offender, or a politician, or both.
Or, just another local yokel who has his silly head stuffed way up his silly ass.
And stupid.
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