Oh, my God!
I hope this guy is aware of the prime numbers.
Today's silly message board/forum bunk is about how a lot of morons are swallowing some stupid urban legend about how small of a front sprocket you can use before your world turns to shit.
It's my belief that a lot of the stupid writing on these forums are done by guys with more time on their hands to write-out their dumb and unfounded concerns than actual experience about the subject.
They'll post that they are going to install a 12-tooth front sprocket on their WR-250R, and then another turkey will reply about that being a bad idea because the smaller sprocket will wear the chain faster.
The silly part is that a lot of people seem to take this as gospel.
Now, I firmly believe that this is all theory.
I really doubt that one person has conducted some kind of scientific test to prove or disprove this theory.
I've bought motorcycles that came off the showroom floor with a 12-tooth front sprocket.
Things can go to completely geek proportions when some nerds come on and write that you need to use some math formula involving prime numbers to determine how many teeth both of your sprockets should have.
All of these retards can go jump in the lake.
I've never noticed any change in chain wear from a 12-tooth front sprocket.
I've proven this to myself over and over.
I have to laugh when some noob, who is still learning how to take off from a dead stop, gets involved in this bullshit.
I'd think his momma would have taught him better.
Actually, she probably did, but he was stupid and too easily persuaded by his retarded buddies, all who carry slide rules in their WD-40 pocket protectors.
They all probably ride BMWs and are constantly barking at the guy about how chains and sprockets are bad to begin with. :)
Off to jerk,
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