Yessirree, folks.
I finally got off my ass and rode the WR-250FY firebreather out in the Pachaug Rock Pile for the first time since the last Sunday of last November.
The ride rocked, as well. :)
Since March, I'd basically been putting off my first ride of the season on the WR-250FY.
Partly because I have another bike, the WR-250XX, and partly because I no longer have the garage to keep the bike in and to perform the maintenance work.
I knew I would, at some point, get with it and simply put that behind me, and yesterday was the day.
How did the ride go, and how did the bike feel?
Awesome, in one word. :)
I always hope for a good ride, but yesterday was one of those days where the ride basically turns out better than you thought it would.
This was because, not only did I not have any crashes or heart-stopping moments, but I realized, on several points along the 34 miles I rode, that I was negotiating sections of the trail as easily as ever.
A couple of sections felt easier than ever.
This is amazing because I went into the ride consciously thinking that I was going to take it slow and easy in order to get a feel for the WR-250FY and the terrain, which I hadn't ridden in a bit over seven months.
I did ride more slowly on the whole, but those sections that seemed almost effortless were completed at a good pace.
I plan on going again today, so I'd better knock wood. ;)
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