The WR-250FY, after the second day of riding was done.
Here, the bike has just been washed squeaky-clean.
Yesterday (Sunday), I did go out to the Pachaug rock pile for another ride, my second of the season out there.
Where Saturday's ride was 34 miles, Sunday's was 54 miles, as I went on my longer of my two usual loops.
It was another good one, and I enjoyed it.
I did get a bit tired during the second half, but that's not surprising, being I had a seven month lay-off from doing that ride, and although I felt a bit tired, I could still ride well enough with good concentration.
Notably enjoyable points of the ride were:
One of my favorite sections with the whooped-out, pine needle-covered ground (actually real dirt without rocks littering the place).
Whenever I come into that section, I get an immediate boost because it looks like so much fun to ride.
It was. :)
Another highlight of the ride was when I come down a hill leading out of the woods, ride over a narrow wooden bridge spanning a dammed pond, and hit a section of paved road to the next trail.
As I approached the bridge, I saw a couple of guys standing on it while fishing.
When the geezer closest to me saw i was about to ride up onto the bridge, he quickly realized that covering the bridge with his tackle box wasn't going to cut it, so, he moved his shit on the double.
I basically balanced the bike as I crept forward as this was going on, and after he cleaned a space for me to pass by without running over his Jitterbug lure, I asked his how he was doing and nodded my head as a way of thanking him for getting his crap the hell out of the way of the WR-250FY rider who was on a mission, goddammit. :)
All-in-all, it was one of the best weekends I've had in months, all told.
It now seems I'll be riding both of my bikes for the foreseeable future.
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