No matter how they're dressed or what they're riding, here's what a typical motorcycle gang boils down to:
A bunch of guys who think they're doing something really special in their little pea brains.
I just remembered the time I had the misfortune of coming up behind a gang of supposed badass sportbike riders a few years ago.
Back in the days of when the shop I worked for was called Excalibur Powersports, the dweebs in charge of the place would host what they called something like "bike night", or some silly shit like that.
Usually, it was on Thursday afternoons-into-evening (although they'd sometime have one on a weekend), and it was basically some gig thrown together featuring local guys performing stunt riding, local retards having pitbike races, and mostly just an excuse for people to come and hang out at the local motorcycle shop (and hopefully wander inside to buy something) - don't forget: There's always an ulterior motive with things like this.
At the time I was riding my 2003 Yamaha FZS-1000R, also called the FZ-1, a 1,000cc sportbike without the bodywork or low handlebars, basically.
I rode that bike from 2004-2007 and it was a good one.
Anyway, I forget the exact time and day, but I think it was a Saturday or a Sunday, sometime in the early afternoon.
I left Excalibur Powersports and pulled up to the intersection that I always do.
Well, I pulled behind a gang of guys riding late-model sport bikes, bikes like Honda CBR-600RRs, Suzuki GSX-R600s, etc, and I think they'd just left the get-together that was going down at Excalibur Powersports.
They all seemed like the typical guy who buys these bikes:
Early-to-mid 20s, dressed for a night out in a local bar to meet chicks and impress people with their style sense, and, basically, more of a feeling that they're pretty slick and cool than having actual wisdom and knowledge about riding sportbikes.
In other words, the typical idiot who will put his life at risk if he thinks it will impress somebody, although he doesn't see any risk in what he does because nothing bad could happen to him.
When the gang and I pulled away from the intersection, by then, they'd realized I was behind them.
Instead of getting on the throttle and up to a suitable cruising speed, they instead went down the road very slowly, and it was obvious they were intentionally holding me up.
There were about eight of them, and they were staggered across the lane in front of me.
After we went down the road like this for about a mile, it was obvious they were intentionally being assholes, and basically, dared me to do something about it.
You see, cowards like this won't do this shit by themselves, but in a pack of like-minded retards, they feel secure.
After I realized they were looking for some excitement, I made up my mind to simply open the throttle and weave my bike straight through to pack of these badass clowns as if they weren't even there, maneuvering my bike an inch or two from theirs.
After I emerged out the front of that pack of fools, I gestured with a shrug of the shoulders as if to ask, "What the fuck's the problem, here?"
The answer should have been:
We're just a bunch of losers out on a ride.
A couple miles down the road, I turned right, onto a road with some corners.
They didn't follow, though.
Off to jerk,
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