Do I really have to spend the money on that?
Where's the free lunch?"
Quite often, motorcycling dimwits will spend some dough on an exhaust system for their new bike, but balk at spending more to buy a fuel injection programmer so the bike will actually run better.
They'll ask several people, and they'll keep asking until they finally find that one person who will tell them what they want to hear:
No, you don't need one of those.
Just ride it.
After that, the jerk will go on his merry way, riding his bike in bliss.
Too bad it ain't running any better than before he installed his big, bad slip-on or system.
It's OK for the dimwit because most of the time, they're simply "looking for a little sound".
This is stupid asshole talk which traslates into English as:
I've got a pea brain and I'm also an egomaniac, and I want the whole fuckin' town to know when I'm out on my bike.
It makes me feel like a real man and one cool dude.
I feel that over half of the morons on motorcycles buy the bike to start with in an effort to impress other people and try to get themselves some respect from their peers.
My friends, that's got to be the shittiest reason to buy a motorcycle, but many a' moron will do this.
This is because that while they want to give the impression they're rugged individuals who don't take no shit, they're really insecure pinheads that need the approval of their equally stupid friends and aquaintences.
May sound like harsh words, but, I'm actually being nice. ;)
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