"Your clairvoyance is truly astounding, Lord Vader."
-Peter Cushing
The pic is of Peter Cushing, playing some character dressed-up in geeky-looking (AKA futuristic) clothing in the 1977 mega-hit Star Wars.
Did I ever tell you I felt the movie didn't even get close to the hype it generated?
If the hype made the movie a 10, the actual movie was a 4.
I just watched a movie (I think it may have been a British TV movie from 1954) version of the novel 1984.
What did I think?
It was so-so, and obviously pretty low-budget, and only mildly interesting.
The problem with this one for me is that I'd heard so many and watched so many little clips of different versions of this book, I already knew the basic plot.
It was the first time I sat down to watch a whole movie of the story, so, I figured I'd give it a go.
I kept thinking that the lead character, a guy by the name of Winston (yes, like the cigarettes), looked vaguely familiar to me.
It was only as I saw the name go up the screen that I realized it was none other than that late-nite TV horror B-movie star from the 1950s and 1960s (and even early 70s) Perer Cushing.
I like Peter Cushing.
Not a bad actor, I'd say, not that I'm an authority on that stuff.
I watched more than a few of his movies from those days and thought they were decent.
That was, of course, back when I did that kind of stuff.
Today, I rarely bother to watch a movie, so that's why today is one for the record books. :)
Naw, I leave that to guys like Siskel and Ebert, or at least I did until one of them died.
Did he die?
Shit, I remember the very first time I watched their little movie review TV show called At the Movies.
This was years before they hit the big time and became celebrities.
Their show was on PBS on Saturday in the late afternoon or early evening, on Channel 2 or 53 out my way.
At the time, it was a silly little half-hour gig with these two unknown guys stating their views on a few movies each week.
It looked like a Public Television show, the way it seemed low-budget, too (like the movie I watched today), and I'd watched it out of sheer boredom when there was nothing else to do.
I didn't think they'd go on to stardom doing that shit.
Somebody must have pulled them up the ranks.
How else would those two assholes make it?
In silly motorcycle message board shit, the guy who's perpetually going-to-be-getting-a-bike-maybe-next-week is now supposedly 8 days away from "getting his check".
The trouble with assigning dates and such to things like this with guys like this is that once you blow past the date, you've gotta' dish out another date, and you blow past that one, too.
Soon, not only your mother and father know you're a lying sack of shit and a loser, but the rest of the message board community will then know it, too.
Thanks to you and your bullshit.
Yes, folks, this is the same guy who felt a 225 pound KDX-200E1 felt all weird, too tall, and shitty, but a 275 pound WR-250R will feel fantastic and fit like a glove.
Whenever I read any blabbering where he's basically verbally beating-off, and more so, where he's generous with his stupid opinions and telling everybody about what kind wisdom he's got for somebody else and their WR-250R problems or questions, I keep thinking to myself that the guy's not even sat on the bike.
Basically, it's like a kid dreaming about his dream bike by oogling the same ol', well-worn full-color brochure over and over again.
I know what that's like. ;)
Poor fella' that actually listens to him.
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