This ain't my house, but it pretty much depicts the nice WELCOME HOME! present the town left me to discover when I got home from jerk last night.
What the loser did (whoever you are) is touch-up on the roads around town with a plow truck, which means plowing the sides of the road out a bit wider.
This also means going past my already-been-shoveled driveway and depositing a 2-foot-plus tall wall of snow back in front of it.
I knew nothing about this until I went to pull into the driveway.
This was two days after the storm had ended.
Naturally, I couldn't pull into the driveway, so I had to park out on the street, get the shovel, and spend 25 minutes digging this shit out.
In a way, I felt as if I'd been shit on.
Not cool, Mr. Plow Driver. :(
No cookie for you!
Off to jerk for another freebee Saturday,
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