WR-250XX nearing completion.
Basically, all I still need to do before the first ride of the season is to bleed both brakes and install my new black plastics, graphics, and black seat cover.
But, in order to do that, I first need the plastics in my hands, and I'm still waiting on the goofball I ordered them from to come through with them.
I'll allow until this Friday before I become a squeaky wheel.
Hopefully, they'll be here before then.
When some guys get on a motorcycle, the asshole in them always comes through loud and clear.
These are the guys that love installing ridiculously loud exhaust pipes and sitting at stop lights revving their engines, making sure the world looks at them being so manly and handsome and smart.
Wrong, Bucky Beaver.
You're not smart, good-looking, or desirable in any way to me.
You're basically an asshole that craves attention, have gotten a very large head just because you learned to ride a motorcycle, and I'd hate to have to live next door to you, let alone in the same house as you.
I'd probably be convicted of murder in short order.
Or, maybe I'd be given a plaque, instead. ;)
Doing strange modifications to bikes is also something that can happen by certain guys.
See those red, white, and blue paint stripes on my front tire in the pic?
To me, that looks a little bit too silly for my tastes.
I thought about rubbing them off, but, since I plan on keeping these tires (and I do believe these are the original equipment tires) up until April or May, I'll not bother.
I probably will have to explain to a few people what they're doing on my tires.
I'm not the original owner. :)
I actually co-won the AMA Supercross pool we had going at jerk.
I say co-won because myself and somebody else "tied on points".
Neither of us picked the exact finishing order of the top three finishers, but, we came the closest.
We're rich! ;)
Off to jerk,
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