Wednesday, January 26, 2011

254, and Winter is a Bore

Don't you think?
There's more to life than just being cooped-up inside slaving your life away, you know.

Although the weather is back to more normal temperatures, the forecast of for some more snow tonight.
Estimated between 6 and 10 inches, but the news will make it sound like 10 feet.
This has definitely been the snowiest winter in years that I can remember, and much more like how winter seemed when I was in grammar school.
Back then, it seemed common to get 6 inches of snow several times throughout the winter, and it was not too big of a deal.
There would most likely be school the next day, for instance.
But, not anymore, because with the way things work, we're being trained to not use our heads and natural instincts with everyday life.
Trust the "experts".

I'd like for an expert to pay my income taxes this year.
Any takers?

Off to jerk,

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