Saturday, January 29, 2011

257: I've Died and Gone to Piece of Shit Heaven

This is a modern bike, but one made to look like one from the 1960s.
That's known as a "retro" bike to guys that like them.
To me, it's merely producing a bike for the geeks that will buy them in order for the company selling them to finance and produce the good ones. :)

I read stories written on motorcycle websites that basically end-up as being a way of advertising for companies selling products and/or services.
The story can be about the bike pictured above, telling the reader details about it and giving the reader the opportunity to write and post comments about it.
Personally, the pic above makes me sick because that's not what a motorcycle is to me.
I see something that is impersonating a relic from 1962.
I'm amazed at the number of riders (I assume they ride a motorcycle) writing comments, telling how much they like what they see, envisioning themselves polishing the paint on the fenders.

I have the opposite view.
I started riding motorcycles on a bike that was, at the time, a relic that nobody interested in riding a motorcycle with performance would have wanted for free.
When I'd eventually earned the money to buy a modern bike with modern performance, I was in heaven, and I had no problem whatsoever leaving my old bike behind.

That's still my basic view on bikes that are either genuinely old, or new ones designed to look like the old ones.
I don't understand or have good feelings about why guys will pay outrageous money for the very same bike I couldn't wait to graduate from back on the olden daze.
To me, they must have a lot of spare money simply burning a hole in their pockets, because the bikes, themselves, have no redeeming qualities as far as actually riding them.

Off to another freebee Saturday morning at jerk,

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Bridge of Stone

In case you may ever forget who produces the tires you ride on.
Today, I'll be feeling pretty sore in the lower back and shoulders from all of that wonderful snow shoveling done yesterday.
Not only did I have to do my shit first thing in the morning, but I had to re-shovel the end of the driveway from the nice town plow truck when I returned from my short day at jerk.
After that, when I thought it was done and dusted, my dad called from next door, asking to use my snow shovel.
Turns out that was basically a hint that his driveway needed to be shoveled, too, and a couple slaves were already out there doing it.
So, I joined the fun.
Weeeee, and what fun that is, too. :)
I wonder how much our UPS delivery will have on it, today.
Only one way to find out, I guess.
Off to jerk,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

255: Don't Gimme That Ol' Jive

This morning, we got more snow.
Yeah, folks, this is the snowiest winter I can remember in years.
Decades, probably.
I well and truly have had enough of it, that's for sure.
In fact, it's time to go outside right now and brush-up on my snow shoveling technique, something that I'm honing to perfection as of late. :)

Off to shovel, then jerk,


Well, after an hour-and-a-half snow shoveling safari this morning, I got to jerk and I was the only one there.
I checked with UPS and FedEx via phone, and they told me they weren't delivering today.
So, I high-tailed it out of there after one of the other guys from the Service Dept. arrived (asking him to tell anybody else that might later show-up from the Parts Dept. what I'd been told) and came back home to re shovel out what the town plow truck put back into my driveway. :)

Right now, my lower back and shoulders are sore enough, let me tell you.
This is definitely the snowiest winter in quite a few years, probably going back to sometime in the late 1970s, my guess.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

254, and Winter is a Bore

Don't you think?
There's more to life than just being cooped-up inside slaving your life away, you know.

Although the weather is back to more normal temperatures, the forecast of for some more snow tonight.
Estimated between 6 and 10 inches, but the news will make it sound like 10 feet.
This has definitely been the snowiest winter in years that I can remember, and much more like how winter seemed when I was in grammar school.
Back then, it seemed common to get 6 inches of snow several times throughout the winter, and it was not too big of a deal.
There would most likely be school the next day, for instance.
But, not anymore, because with the way things work, we're being trained to not use our heads and natural instincts with everyday life.
Trust the "experts".

I'd like for an expert to pay my income taxes this year.
Any takers?

Off to jerk,

Monday, January 24, 2011

253: A Little Warmer for Me

The WR-250XX got a few more decals (the Yamaha trademark tuning forks that you can see and some small YAMAHA decals for the fenders that you can't see in this pic).
Also added some tire lettering by painting the tires with a paint pen.
Weeeeeeee. :)
These tires won't stay on the bike for too long once I start riding it again, but, I had some time to burn before March gets here. :)

Today, the weather was downright cold again, but tomorrow's forecast is for normal temperatures (finally!).
38 degrees will probably feel like a friggin' heat wave compared to 15.
15 for a high.
Sorry, but that's just too cold to be enjoyable, folks.

Well, at least we're in the last week of January, and the sooner we get into February, the sooner we can look forward to March.
I think I've told you that March is a big month for me because that's the month I start riding my motorcycles, again.
Last year, I was out on a local pond with the WR-250FY with ice screws in the knobby tires on Sundays.
Not this year because I simply don't feel like being out there in the cold, and my having ridden practically every weekend on it in the Pachaug rock pile has me not minding taking a break.
I'm waitin' for March.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

252 Frozen Fingers Turning Blue

You know you've got aftermarket parts on your bike when you have to finish the job. ;)

We're getting some cold weather around here the past couple of days, and this cold snap is supposed to last through Monday night, so I read.
Why do they call it a cold snap?
Is somebody snapping their fingers or something?
When I walk across my wooden porch during this cold weather, it makes snapping noises.
Maybe that's it. @_@

I just watched the 3rd race of this year's AMA Supercross season, and it was the best one so far.
The top 4 runners were mixing it up real good, and there was plenty of good racing action going on.
Wish they were all good ones like that.

Today, I'm taking my time wiring my new-to-me I.C. flasher relay for the WR-250XX.
Like a lot of non-original-equipment (aftermarket, in other words) stuff out there, you, yourself, have to complete the job to make it a sano (slang for sanitary) installation.
The I.C. relay doesn't have a neat plug on the end of the wires that fits into the plug on the bike's wire harness.
Instead, it just has three wires that are merely cut.
So, I disassembled the original relay, removed the plug parts from it, and soldered the I.C. relay wires to the contacts of the plug.
When I'm done securing the contacts to the plug via some epoxy, I'll be able to simply plug the I.C. relay into the wiring harness like the original relay did.
Very nice. :)

Time for a lazy afternoon nap. ;)

Friday, January 21, 2011

251 Degrees Under the Magnifying Glass

Ever experiment with a big magnifying glass on a sunny day?
The sun's light gets concentrated into a pinpoint, and you can burn holes through leaves, sheets of paper, and heck, maybe even burn your house down if you want to.
Sounds like a way to cure wintertime boredom, huh?
I bet rebuilding your house would take-up the rest of the winter, at least. :)

I saw yet another guy posting pics on a forum, pics of a bike he just bought and is in the middle of a restoration.
It's a 1985 Yamaha YZ-125N, and although it looks clean and well-finished as far as the condition of the components go, I don't like his choice of colors:
All white.
Stock, the bike is supposed to be white with red, but this guy has everything white, even the seat cover and shock spring.
Looks too much like the complete bike was dipped into a tank of white paint, and, basically, looks plain.
Myself, it would be stock colors and graphics all the way.

On top of that, if he actually plans on riding the bike more than once for 2 minutes, good luck keeping those white parts in fresh-looking condition, especially the white seat cover.
Nothing makes a bike look old and ratty more than a seat cover that looks worn.
It's the first thing you notice.

Another big reason why lots of "customized" color schemes make me sick is because it's just a big neon sign telling everybody that some other joker had his hands in there, and who knows about what the quality of the work is.
There are guys that will sweat the cosmetics, but actually not know how to keep from installing the engine's piston backwards.
Or break the piston rings.
Or tear gaskets while reusing them.

It's snowing this morning, and we're supposed to get 2 to 4 inches.
I've had enough of this shit by now.
In fact, I'd had enough around Christmas time.
Do you really think I need any more?

Off to jerk,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

250: Time is Being Thrifty

Well, it's amazing that we're now a bit over half-way through the most boring winter time period, the span from December 1st to March 1st.
In my mind that comprises the bulk of the cold winter months, and once we hit March, I generally feel a lot better knowing riding season is dawning upon us.
Once again.

We had a not-too-cold spell for the last couple of days, and whenever that happens, it spoils you a bit because once the weather dips down to the teens and 20s again, it makes you say, "BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!".

Off to jerk,


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

249 Urban Legends

This bike, the 1982 Yamaha YZ-490J, has gotten so much badmouthing over the years - particularly from people young enough to have not been old enough to ride one back then (let alone not even having been yet born) - that it's just about comical.
It's an urban legend among dirt bike enthusiasts. :)

Reading my usual motorcycling message boards this morning brought me to a guy asking that age-old question:
I found a Yamaha YZ-490 [year is not important, believe it or not] for sale.
Should I buy it?
I've read bad things about them...

Well, my opinion is this:

When the 1982 YZ-490J came out, it had a bad reputation for an engine that ran like it was jetted too rich, was heavier than the other competing Open class motocross bikes, and had a newly-designed rear suspension that was not as good as the competition's.

An editor (back then) from Dirt Bike magazine, a guy who is fairly famous amoung these same dirt bike enthusiasts named Rick Sieman, nicknamed Super Hunky, pronounced the bike a complete piece of shit.

In fact, he has since made a Top 10 list of the worst dirt bikes ever made, and the YZ-490 made the list.

I have always believed that his whole opinion is based on that 1982 model, although most people reading his opinions about the YZ-490 seem to take it as meaning that any year YZ-490 is a complete piece of junk.

I know that's not true because I owned and rode a 1987 YZ-490T that was fun to own and ride.

It had no bad manners, started easily, handled well, and made lots of power.

What's not to like?

It's just a case of human nature that rumors will spread like wildfire, particularly by ones that never even swung a leg over the bike and pushed down on the kickstarter. ;)

Off to jerk,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

248, and the Rain is Great

Why is it great that today was a rainy day?
Because that means it wasn't too cold, or else it wouldn't have been rain.
I do think cold weather is for the birds.
In fact, I bet they don't like it, either.

Yesterday, I bought a little gizmo for the WR-250XX off a guy from one of the forums I belong to.
One of the few mods that the previous owner did was to replace the original turn signal lights with smaller ones that use LEDs instead of old-fashioned light bulbs.
The thing about that is combined with the stock turn signal relay, the LED lights flash rapidly, faster than a turn signal light typically flashes.
So, I bought what's called an IC relay, which stands for Integrated Circuit relay.
This gizmo replaces the stock relay and makes the lights flash like the stock items did.

The guy bought it but never used it, so I got it for $14 shipped.
Why not?, I figured.
Worth $14 to return the flashing to normal speed to me. :)

Today, I got a good taste of what this coming springtime will probably be like dealing with a douche bag customer we unfortunately picked up that we're now selling (giving away, more like) parts to.
These fuckfaces will place their goddam silly orders and the guys at the parts counter will enter then via an invoice as usual.
Except that, instead of using some fuckin' common sense and do a single order a day, they'll place three, four, or five smaller ones.
This is because they're simpletons and complete assholes who don't want to work.
This also means that they've got many invoices going at the same time, and since these pricks want me to ring-out their disgusting orders once they arrive AND then box them up and ship the shit to them AND keep every single one of their silly orders separate from the other, well, I really think they can kiss my goddam ass.
Too time-consuming, not to mention a silly way to do it.
But, that's just my little pea-brain thinking.
I hope that they either all drop dead, or we, ourselves, decide to kick 'em to the curb and tell them to go jerk-off somewhere else.
To me, it's so NOT worth it.

I'm going to get some beauty sleep.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Old-Time Supercross

Ron Lechien back in 1983, the first year he rode with the big boys in AMA Supercross.

I watched the 2nd round of this year's Supercross series from Phoenix, Arizona yesterday.
Although I picked the winner and the holeshot artist in the pool at jerk (James Stewart), I didn't get 2nd or 3rd place correct.
I wonder how I did.

It was a decent race, but, not terribly exciting, either.
Partly because the track seemed to lack anything special, save for one 90-degree tabletop jump that seemed pretty old-school (but a good one).
I actually got more of a buzz from watching old Supercross races on YouTube for a few hours, going back to the days when I had first started following Supercross and knew the names of every rider on the starting line.
Heck, I knew who they were not just from their bike's number and brand/color, but from how they looked while riding the bike, too.

One of my favorites to watch has always been Ron Lechien, a guy who oozed a seemingly natural style and ability that other guys probably would have paid good money to be able to learn how to copy.
He started winning shortly after coming onto the scene when he was just 16 years old, against the biggest of the big guys back then.
The bummer with him, though, is that he got very interested in partying and smoking pot and acting stupid, which not only had a negative effect on his results, but on his health and his relationship with his employers.
Yeah, potheads are still drug addicts, you know.

Off to jerk,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

246: On Your Guard!

The WR-250XX is now sporting a pair of these nifty handguards which came from another Yamaha model, an off-road bike called the 1999 TT-R250L.
These are perfect for blocking the wind - something to consider in March and early April - as well as small branches and roost, although the latter two won't be a bother since this bike stays on the street. :)

Lots of guys think these hand guards are a waste of time because to them, you must use the type that are basically metal bash bars that surround the handlebar grip.
I never liked those from the first time I tried them.
The bash bar type of handguard attaches to the bike at two points:
Clamping to the outside of the handlebar tubing on one side and sticking into the hollow handlebar tubing on the other side.
The side that sticks into the handlebar gets in my way because I often have the edge of the palm of my hand sliding over there, and it's an annoyance.
As a bonus, I think they're awfully ugly.
Fugly, even.

Well, as far as work that I intend to get done to the WR-250XX goes, I'm basically 90% done with it.
In fact, I can think of only a few minor jobs left to do, like bleed both brakes, change the coolant, make sure the spring preload on the rear shock is adjusted to suit my weight, and give the air filter a fresh service before I hit the road with it.
Yes, it's practically finished, just 6 weeks after buying it and bringing it home.
Not bad, considering that buying the bike in the first place was a total spur-of-the-moment decision made when one of the guys at work told me we'd taken the bike in on trade.
So now, I can kick back on the couch and take a long, hard look at the bike I'll be riding as my main transportation for the coming year.
It looks like a whole lotta' fun. :)

I wonder how I did in this week's Supercross pool at jerk.
Guess I'll find out after today's broadcast on Speed TV, a repeat of last night's race from Phoenix, AZ.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Welcome Home!

This ain't my house, but it pretty much depicts the nice WELCOME HOME! present the town left me to discover when I got home from jerk last night.

What the loser did (whoever you are) is touch-up on the roads around town with a plow truck, which means plowing the sides of the road out a bit wider.
This also means going past my already-been-shoveled driveway and depositing a 2-foot-plus tall wall of snow back in front of it.
I knew nothing about this until I went to pull into the driveway.
This was two days after the storm had ended.

Naturally, I couldn't pull into the driveway, so I had to park out on the street, get the shovel, and spend 25 minutes digging this shit out.
In a way, I felt as if I'd been shit on.
Not cool, Mr. Plow Driver. :(
No cookie for you!

Off to jerk for another freebee Saturday,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

244: Snow, Be No More

I went to jerk yesterday during our supposed mega-blizzard.
We were open until 1:00pm, and since only one customer came in - and half of the work force didn't come in - we packed it in.
Still, it was very much worth my time because I got a healthy chunk of shit done that I'd have to do either today, tomorrow, or free-bee Saturday morning.

We got about a foot of snow in total from the storm, although in my mind, I generally don't see anything too stormy about getting snow in the wintertime.
The thing that always sticks out in my mind about weather predictions these days is that everything is hyped-up quite a bit.
When snow is predicted, you'd think you should be packing your bags and head down to Central America where it's 90 degrees.
They'll predict 8 to 10 inches, and we'll get 3 to 4 inches.
This happens often.
They'll make it sound like the snow is so dangerous, if you get a flake of it on you, or if one flake hits the road you're driving on, well, it's curtains for you, pal.

I'm off to drive on the snow and get to jerk,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

243: New Colors for Me

WR-250XX in black and white colors.

The guy I bought the black plastics from came through as far as actually sending the stuff to me, as they arrived today.
Or, maybe actually yesterday, as the big box they came in was sitting by a desk downstairs at jerk.
However, the guy did a crap job of packing the parts in the box because he used no packing paper or Styrofoam to cushion and protect the parts during shipment.
This means that my plastics have some fine scratches in them that otherwise wouldn't be there, but luckily, I think I'll be able to polish them away.
That's what happens when a meat head forgets that the stuff he's shipping is going bye-bye for a long cross-country trip in a big truck, not just down to the end of the hall into the closet.

Anyway, I think the color scheme and graphics are good-looking.
What do you think?

We got about a foot of snow today, and frankly, that sucks.
Reminds me of winter.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

242: What Your Mom Tried to Teach You is True

WR-250XX nearing completion.
Basically, all I still need to do before the first ride of the season is to bleed both brakes and install my new black plastics, graphics, and black seat cover.
But, in order to do that, I first need the plastics in my hands, and I'm still waiting on the goofball I ordered them from to come through with them.
I'll allow until this Friday before I become a squeaky wheel.
Hopefully, they'll be here before then.

When some guys get on a motorcycle, the asshole in them always comes through loud and clear.
These are the guys that love installing ridiculously loud exhaust pipes and sitting at stop lights revving their engines, making sure the world looks at them being so manly and handsome and smart.

Wrong, Bucky Beaver.
You're not smart, good-looking, or desirable in any way to me.
You're basically an asshole that craves attention, have gotten a very large head just because you learned to ride a motorcycle, and I'd hate to have to live next door to you, let alone in the same house as you.
I'd probably be convicted of murder in short order.
Or, maybe I'd be given a plaque, instead. ;)

Doing strange modifications to bikes is also something that can happen by certain guys.
See those red, white, and blue paint stripes on my front tire in the pic?
To me, that looks a little bit too silly for my tastes.
I thought about rubbing them off, but, since I plan on keeping these tires (and I do believe these are the original equipment tires) up until April or May, I'll not bother.
I probably will have to explain to a few people what they're doing on my tires.
I'm not the original owner. :)

I actually co-won the AMA Supercross pool we had going at jerk.
I say co-won because myself and somebody else "tied on points".
Neither of us picked the exact finishing order of the top three finishers, but, we came the closest.
We're rich! ;)

Off to jerk,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fork It, Dude

My, what a bright bucket you have.
All the better to clash with the carpeting, my dear. ;)

Got some work done to the WR-250XX today, and then I watched the replay of the 1st Supercross race of the year.
I got a few things done on the bike that I'd planned on doing, and it's coming along quite nicely.
In fact, there's not a whole lot left to be done, actually.
The next big thing is gonna' be putting the new graphics I just had made onto the black plastics I just bought - just waitin' for that to arrive.

This weekend, I installed the FMF Q4 muffler, installed the FMF Power Programmer, greased the steering head bearings, changed the fork oil, lubricated the control cables, lubricated the throttle tube where it meets the handlebar and throttle housing, lubricated the front brake caliper slide pins, installed a different clutch lever (I like the shape of this one better), and installed one of my new hand guards (very handy for blocking the wind when it's still cold outside).
How's that for a run-on sentence?
It may be longer than the one Charles Manson was given. :)

The Supercross race from Anaheim No. 1 was a good one to watch, although the podium positions weren't filled as I'd predicted in a pool we have at work.
I got the riders correct, but the finishing order was reversed.
Oh, well.
It's only $5.
Hope this doesn't start a gambling habit that soaks-up all of my money and drives me out of house and home, putting me on Skid Row.
Where is Skid Row?


Saturday, January 8, 2011

240: Git That Shit Off of There

That ridiculous, plugged-up stock muffler has been replaced with the FMF Q4 muffler.
This one has no silly horseshit like enough baffling to stump an elephant or catalytic converters to rob precious power.
I hope Al Gore and any other environmental mental case who believes him is very pissed-off at reading that. :)

I had to put up some stairs that lead up onto my porch today.
The old ones were all rotten and rickety to the point that I was worried about somebody going ass over tea kettle if they fell off of them.
Even though I hate any kind of carpentry bullshit, they came out pretty nicely.
Tomorrow, I'll finish-up playing Mr. Home Improvement and slap some weatherproofing stain on them and pronounce it done.
Thank God.

Tonight marks the first AMA Supercross race of the 2011 season.
I've been following this series since 1982, when legends of the sport like Bob Hannah, Mark Barnett, David Bailey, Jeff Ward, Johnny O'Mara, Broc Glover, Rick Johnson, Kent Howerton, and Donnie Hansen were riding.

Even though tonight's race is being televised live from Anaheim, CA., I'll skip staying up until 1:00 am to watch the main event.
Instead, I'll watch the repeat tomorrow afternoon.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dirtbike Dimwits

Here's a pic of Julio and Jose-Billy-Bob takin' a gander at a real nice dirt bike before they stole it out of the back of that truck.
I think they were attracted to those silly things stuck to it that lots of riders these days take for stylish graphics. :)

I did some more amusing reading on message boards this morning.
There was a question posted that asked that time-honored thing everyone wants to know:
Are 4-stroke dirt bikes really that prone to blowing-up as everyone seems to say they are?

My two cents went basically like this (but not put in such blatant words):
If you're a goddamn dirt bike dimwit who couldn't maintain a pet rock, you can count on having problems with your dirt bike.

Folks, it's as simple as that.
Ever since I got into dirt bikes and started learning about them, I also came into contact with other people doing the same thing.
I was then, and still am to this very day, amazed at the high percentage of dirt bike dimwits out there buying dirt bikes and taking such poor care of them, a brand-new one will be a rolling wreck in one year of weekend-only use.
In other words, the guys buying these bikes will have no intention of learning what you have to do in order to make the bike last a long time since that stuff is too time-consuming for them.
You certainly can't be servicing your air filter when the package store is closing in 10 minutes, can you?
So, you see, priorities have their important places. :)

Off to jerk,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

238 Empty Cans to Return

Earlier today, a mouse took the bait and got caught in my mouse trap, a move that severely changed his squeaky little life forever.

Actually, I can't remember the last time I returned a bottle or can for the nickel deposit back.
Must have been when I was in grammar school, shortly after they started doing that 5 cent deposit gig.
These days, because I'm now a millionaire, I really don't need to do that. :)

Had an average day at jerk.
The UPS and FedEx deliveries were average for this time of year, and I was able to finish about a half-hour early.
Not too bad, considering I had a few sagas to wade through.

A couple days ago, I bought some black-colored plastics for my WR-250XX.
I saw them on a message board, agreed on a price with the guy selling them, and I'm now awaiting their arrival.
I'm glad I decided to do this, as I like the black WR-250X better than the blue ones, which aren't half bad, themselves.
I'm also having some custom graphics made for my black plastic radiator shrouds.
Nothing too juvenile and gaudy-looking as a lot of graphics made for dirt bikes these days look to me, but something conservative and tasteful, and just enough to keep the black shrouds from looking plain and blank.
When I get my plastics and graphics all done-up, I'll post a pic.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

The WR-250XX, in da house and in progress.
That big, black, bulbous muffler - plugged-up with silly things like a catalytic converter - is soon to be replaced with a much nicer FMF Q4.

I haven't done any work to the WR-250FY since repacking the muffler about 10 days ago, but, that's OK because not much needs to be done to that bike seeing how I basically keep everything about it in top shape all year long.
Plus, I still have until mid-March before I'll start riding that one in the Pachaug rock pile.
So, I've got time, and right now, the WR-250XX needs the attention.
I remember that last year, mid-March had some mighty fine weather around 70 degrees and it didn't take long at all for the ground to thaw out to the point that trail-riding conditions were good.

I'm glad that we're through the holidays.
Now, we can get on with passing through this crummy cold period called winter and head toward March.
I always feel better when March rolls around.
Sure, on the first day of March you (usually) don't get balmy temperatures in the 70s, but, it does herald the month that spring starts, and that's good enough for me.
Plus, I typically start riding my motorcycle back and forth to jerk on or about March 1st.
In 2009, I started doing that on February 28th.
Ooooh, a whole day early.

Today at jerk wasn't too hectic because the UPS and FedEx deliveries were on the small side.
So, I was able to avoid rushing like a crazed fool, get everything done, and still leave well before 7:00pm.
Once March rolls around that stuff sure doesn't happen, so, I'd better enjoy it now.

I'm gonna' heat up some big pretzels.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

236: Happy New Year Tricks

WR-250XX up in da house, homies.
Commence with the wrenching, Holmes.

Newly-installed 49-tooth rear sprocket and 112-link chain.
The sprocket is a steel Sunstar, and the chain is a DID 520V.
The V means their standard O-ring chain - good stuff.
Master link?
Rivet type, thank you very much. @_@

Weather is fine and dandy for the 3rd day in a row, which is something I have little problem coping with.
According to, it be a comfy (compared to freezing) 51 degrees outside.
That's my kind of winter weather, people.

Not much else to blab about, so, I'm a'gonna go back to twirling wrenches. :)
