The start of pimpin' yo' ride.
Chillin' like a villin'.
I did my usual Sunday afternoon ride in the Pachaug forest on the WR-250FY.
I left about an hour earlier than usual, so I hit the trail at about 5:50pm, and got back to the truck at about 7:10pm.
I think I'll stick to my usual time schedule, next time.
There's something about how riding a great motorcycle and doing it reasonably well at dusk has always been a big turn-on for me.
At least the ride was a good one, even though I felt a bit less energetic than the last couple of times out.
Still, I rode well enough to be satisfied, and working that WR-250FY over the rough stuff and sliding onto corners and wheelieing into whoops was a blast.
Yes, there are whoops out there on the trails.
They form after enough traffic has passed over the same ground often enough, probably from accelerating rear tires gnawing at the ground.
Some enviro-freak would probably shit his pants reading those words about a tire gnawing at the ground.
Well, you know what?
Fuggin' get over it, you big, fat hypocrite!
I suppose you're such a goody-two-shoes, never driving some gas-burning car on a road made with lots o' heavy equipment like bulldozers which required mowing down all those trees and brush, or buying products made in some smoke-belching factory (or a Chinese sweat shop employing grammar-school-aged kids), or using electricity which is generated from a fuel-burning power plant.
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