Ronald Reagan looking to make a campaign contribution.
I think he needs a bit more makeup.
I used to follow the news and all of the political mumbo-jumbo on TV back then.
Basically, I was led to believe that all kinds of problems would just develop on their own, and our leaders in the political world would be springing into action, working feverishly to deal with these sudden and unexpected crisis.
All just for the well being of me and you.
These days, I think it's all a bunch of hogwash, and I have a feeling that the big issues that spring up are planned in advance as part of some kind of plan that is, basically, meant to benefit a small minority that believe they're head-and-shoulders better than the dumb-dumbs like you and me.
I think that if you're gonna' be a career politician, you're going to be told what to do, basically, and if you don't, you're going to be railroaded out, eventually.
Might sound like I'm paranoid or some kind of conspiracy theory believer, but, that's basically my feelings on world politics.
All just one big put-on for the public, where the evening news TV show is a big bullshit story that is never going to tell us what really is going on, and why things are the way they are.
I was in my teens when I lost my interest in TV news for basically this feeling, a feeling where I wasn't being shown or told anything but what I was being allowed to be shown and told.
It was just the same ol' crap, crap that all boiled down to nothing meaningful.
Just trivia to give you something to talk about and occupy your mind.
A way of distracting you.
Politics makes me ill.
I had a good ride last evening, although I hit the trail about a half-hour later than usual because i just had to watch the USGP MotoGP race, which was a decent one to watch.
This means I got back to the truck a half-hour later than usual, and it was getting pretty dark on those wooded trails.
My headlight was shining pretty prominently on the rocks and gravel that make up most of the trails out there in Pachaug, creating artificial shadows on the rocks sticking out of the ground, which there is no shortage of.
This makes those rocks seem bigger and badder than they really are, making negotiating the way home more difficult while at speed.
I made it back in one piece without crashing, though, and I felt good on the bike.
And, as expected, those new Bridgestone M22 and M23 tires worked like magic out there.
Love 'em.
This coming Sunday, though, I want to be sure to get out there on time so I can ride the whole loop I've made in decent lighting.
Off to jerk,
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