You don't see a tree growing up out of a rock every day.
Aliens must have done it while on their way to mutilate some cattle and make some crop circles.
Gotta' sneak my one-a-day blog post in before midnight strikes, so I'm puttin' up some pics I took when I went on a walk on some trails in the Pachaug state forest, today.
To me, walking in the woods is no big deal because I've lived in the middle of the woods my whole life.
If you stand on my porch and spit as far as you can, you'd reach the woods.
Birds are always a'tweetin' and squirrels are always a'climbin' around my place.
So, the reason I felt like hittin' the trails on foot instead of my firebreather WR-250FY is because I wanted to get a closer look at the terrain I've been riding on over the past few months every Sunday.
I've always liked to do that - closely scrutinize the lay of the land where I'll be riding my dirt bikes.
Since I'm on foot and traveling along at about 2 miles per hour, I can work out in my head what lines I can take or formulate a plan to conquer a particular obstacle.
Big-time motocross and Supercross riders will walk their tracks, too.
I think they got the idea from me. :)

Here's a well-weathered sign telling you what the Indian-derived name of the trail is.
Everything in that forest is given an Indian name, supposedly going back to the native Americans that lived around here hundreds of years ago.
In a way, I think it's kind of quaint.
But, since I'm really not an American Indian buff, I don't really care what the hell they call it, either.
I'd actually like to be able to pronounce it on the first attempt, myself.
What's wrong with Trail D?
Not flashy or nostalgic enough for you?

That ain't natural.
Real rugged hiking men ford any stream put in their path.
They don't need no stinking bridge make out of wooden pallets.
I'm sure the bicycle riders that are vacationing up from New York City appreciate it, though.

Another little sign to read.
Doesn't look as quaint and rustic, though.
Looks more modern and business-like.

Blue-blazed trail.
Did the Smurfs do this one?

Here's a sign that needs a bit of freshening-up real quick because it can barely be read.
It's supposed to say NO VEHICLES.
Hope they really don't plan on bitching at anybody on this trail with a vehicle since the friggin' sign is a piece of shit.
Where's Smokey the Bear?
He'll fix it...just after he's through taking a dump in the woods.

This here be Big Foot country.
I've always liked riding my dirt bikes in the pine forest sections.
The dirt is darker and loamier.
Too bad the trail goes to the side of it. :(
I wonder how it is out in Oregon.
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