Sunday, May 19, 2013

420 People Sneezing Due to Pollen

There's probably a lot more than that.

Here's a pic (that's the thing above) of one of the Central Cycle Club Pachaug Rock Ride arrows that were used to mark the trails.
What's the CCC Rock Ride?
It's pretty much an organized trail ride that uses the same trail loop in and around the Pachaug forest that I ride on Sundays.
Once a year, the local motocross track (CCC) promotes this ride out on the ol' Pachaug enduro loop, and for the riders not familiar with the lay of the land, these florescent orange arrows point the way around the trails.
NETRA, by the way, is the New England Trail Riders Association, the organization that I'm a member of and also the organization (if I understand what I've read correctly) that went to bat against people (or, one guy in particular, so I was told) in the state of Connecticut bureaucracy waaaaaay back around the years of 1970 - 1974 in order to get dirt bikes un-kicked-out-of the Pachaug forest.
The agreement that was struck is the Pachaug loop I ride on.
Why were dirt bikes kicked out of the Pachaug forest back in the years just after the hippie-dippie movement?
My guess is due to a few retards ruining it for the rest of the responsible, intelligent riders with a brain in their heads, as well as some stupid environmentalist going ape shit at the sight of a knobby tire track on the ground, and that's assuming he got off his ass to go take a walk out in the woods to begin with.
This idiot probably cringes at the though of digging a hole in the ground, yet drives a gas-guzzling Rolls or 20,000-pound SUV that costs $3.2 million, but that's not being a hypocrite.
That is, if the fool is still alive today and healthy enough to drive.
Today's Pachaug loop ride was one for the record books.
I felt very good on the bike today - it was cloudy (yes!), there was great traction, low dust, minimal water, and I rode the sections of the loop that I reserve for the days where conditions are good enough and I'm feeling good enough.
Total mileage for the day was 57.7 , which is about 13 more than I've been doing so far this year.
Today was one of those great days, I'm happy to say, as I rode well and felt good doing it.
The balance of the bike felt good, the tires worked well, and the bike ran strongly.
All-in-all, it was the kind of ride that makes me wish I had $3.2 million of my own tucked under the mattress so I wouldn't have to go to jerk tomorrow and could do some more riding, instead.
My profession would be riding and wrenching my WR-250FP.
I am feeling well and truly tired after having such a good ride today (and a good walk out on the trails yesterday where I picked up that arrow shown above), so, I'll have to save my thoughts on life, liberty, and how we're being scammed by rotten guys in high places for another time.

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