Since we are now officially in mid-winter (and I couldn't ride the WR-250FY right now if I wanted to, which I'll explain in a minute), I used this as the perfect excuse to check the valve clearances, Clarence.
Right now, we've got this white shit on the ground that people call snow.
Skiers and snowmobile riders (AKA: alcoholics) like the stuff, and I did, too, when I was a kid in school.
I no longer like it, though, because I dislike the cold weather that brings it, and now that I'm approaching the big five-oh on age, I'd rather not have the terrain I ride my dirt bikes on covered in snow, a thing that hides any trouble spots on the ground with a blanket of white cold.
You see, if you are in your teens or early 20s, you probably laugh at reading that comment.
I know how it is to be in that age group, and when you're young, you won't be thinking like I do about these things.
But, just you wait, sonny boy. ;)
So, that also means I did not ride my CRF-450X9 this past weekend, although the thought of getting it out there and at least riding the dirt roads in the ol' Pachaug state forest did seem doable for a moment or two.
I decided against it, though, because I wasn't really convinced the semi-fun of staying on the snow-covered dirt roads would be worth loading the bike up and getting it out there to begin with.
Too bad I don't live just a hop, skip, and a jump away, eh?
That probably would have made the choice to go much easier.
Hopefully, the weather forecast for this work week will melt this stuff.
We will see.
About the WR-250FY:
I haven't ridden the bike since shortly after buying the CRF-450X9 (in mid-November, and I'm guesstimating my last ride on it for the season was around the last week of November or the first week of December).
The remainder of the time has been spent riding the CRF-450X9, something which ain't too surprising since it's the newest bike to me and I already have a couple of seasons on the WR-250FY.
What I am doing with the WR-250FY right now, though, is the usual wintertime maintenance I do every off-season to my dirt bikes, things like having the rear shock serviced (check!), greasing the suspension bearings (check!), and checking the valve clearances (check-check!).
The above pic was taken while doing this, and I am happy to say that not only were all five valves in spec., but I don't even think they moved at all.
That's just fine and dandy with me. :)
The reason I say that I couldn't ride the WR-250FY if I wanted to is not because of the snow on the ground, but because I'm in the middle of phase two of the suspension servicing.
While I recently had the rear shock oil changed, I'm now in the process of having the front fork oil changed, and at the same time, ol' Tom from Nasin Machine (who serviced the rear shock) is going to make some changes to the valving shim stacks inside the forks in an effort to improve the performance.
Specifically, we're going to see if I can get the forks to use full travel at least once per ride while out on the ol' Pachaug rock n' roll pile loop (and maybe have a fork that will absorb the sharp bumps better), yet still have the feeling that the front of the bike is not riding too low, something that I don't like because it affects stability and the balance of the bike.
In other words, I'm going to see if I can have my cake and eat it, too.
No telling how it will feel unless it gets done and test ride it, so, I am anxious to try it out.
Another reason I'd like to ride the WR-250FY sometime in the near future is because I simply haven't done so but one time since buying the CRF-450X9 over two months ago.
I'll let you know how it feels once I do so.
Off to jerk,
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