Looks like we just entered the year 2012, the year that all of these new ager (I refuse to capitalize that) con artists claim we're going to enter some period of "enlightened consciousness", or some other snake oil salesman-esque term like that.
Complete bullshit.
I believe there are only two truths attached to any talk of this new age crap:
1) You are being led down the garden path, which is a way of saying you're being lied to.
2) Somebody intends on making money off lying to you.
Yessirree, here we are in the year 2012.
A few years ago, I listened to some supposed new age gurus out of curiosity, wondering what this talk of new agers was about.
Well, listening to guys like David Ike, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell (Tsarion's mentor), and some others I can't recall made me want to throw up.
These guys would sound exactly like snake oil salesmen pitching some product they were selling, and they could never manage to get anything to come out of their mouths that ever hit upon why this supposed new age stuff was supposedly so great.
All I ever heard them say, over and over, was that 2012 marked the beginning of a "new age of enlightened consciousness".
Folks, I don't know about you, but for me, that is waaaaaaaaaaay too vague an explanation of just what it is they're supposed to be pitching.
In other words, they would spend hours talking into the camera at me, but still couldn't manage to say anything to convince me they had anything important to say, other than repeating over and over that they knew everything and that old-school Christianity was bad, that Jesus Christ was a myth, and any thing associated with that stuff had to go.
Needless to say, I decided to stay far away from any of the things these guys had to say, as it only came across to me as a big lie, and they were trying to get people interested in this stupid religion, and trying to destroy the old orthodox religions of Christianity, Judaism (being an old-school Jew), and the religion of those Buddhist dudes, what ever they call that stuff.
In other words, to break down and destroy the old-school religions and to get you to follow their new age bullshit, which is just a disguised way to get people to be willing to give-up their basic human rights given to them by the God of the Bible, something these new age con men want to get rid of.
You see, if you are willing to forget about things like being responsible for your actions, that killing somebody or stealing from somebody should be a punishable crime, that abortion is still a killing of somebody, and that having some world government provide you with the basic necessities comes at a price of having that government dictate what you can and can't do, then you can join these crooks and their new age religion.
After all, they preach that man, himself, can become a god if he tries.
Notice I used a lower case g. ;)
At the tippity-top of the new ager food chain are characters that believe in the Luciferian philosophy.
What's that?
It's basically the opposite belief that Christians are taught in the Bible.
A Roman Catholic is taught from day 1 the ol' classic story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden:
God created everything.
God created mankind (Adam and Eve), put them in the lush Garden of Eden, and told them that they would remain there in paradise for eternity, just as long as you obeyed the one catch to the whole deal:
Do Not Eat From The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil.
If they did, God told them that they'd surely die.
Lucifer, a former angel who was kicked out of Heaven because he wanted God's throne, was cast down to Earth (the Garden of Eden), and became the master of the material world (Earth).
Since he was basically shaking his fist up at God in Heaven for being kicked out of there, he swore to try and get as many people on Earth as possible to go against the wishes of God and lead these people not to Heaven with God, but into Hell with him.
Lucifer, through his right-hand man Satan, told Eve that she should, indeed, eat from the Tree.
Eve said that God had told her not to do that, lest she and Adam surely die.
Satan told her that God was lying to them, didn't want them to eat from the Tree because He knew they'd then become as God, themselves, and convinced her that she and Adam should pick the fruit and dig in.
Eve went ahead and did that, got Adam to do the same, and when God saw that they'd gone against his rules by eating the fruit from that Tree, all bets in the Garden of Eden were, from that point onward, off.
They then had to fend for themselves out in the big, bad world, they'd get sick with the flu, they'd have to put up with being cold, and hunger, and having to work in order to survive, and, most of all, they'd have to prove that they were worthy of getting to Heaven by living a just and righteous life in the eyes of God, something that takes some doing.
This is where we are, today.
The above is what you believe if you are a practicing member of one of the old-school religions like Christianity.
Here is what the believers of the Luciferian philosophy believe:
Adam and Eve were being held prisoner in the Garden of Eden in the bonds of ignorance by a cruel and unjust god, and he did not want them to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Lucifer, through his buddy Satan, told Adam and Eve the reason God did not want them eating from the Tree was because God knew that they could become gods, themselves, and God knew this - he was keeping them down in this ignorance by not telling them that.
Lucifer, through Satan, gave man the gift of intellect (the fruit of the Tree), and with this gift of intellect, man, himself, shall become god.
Lower case g.
Man was set free from his ignorance, and through the use of superior intellect, science, and technology, man shall conquer nature, conquer all on Earth, and surpass God and become as gods, themselves.
All of this was because Lucifer took pity upon mankind, didn't agree with what God was doing to mankind in the Garden of Eden, and Lucifer then took action to help mankind out by giving him the gift of intellect, allowing him to eventually surpass god.
This is where we are today:
We're in the process of using the brains of the most intelligent minds on Earth (down through thousands of years), to perfect mankind and make things better than the way God created it, to perfect all that is upon the Earth, and to allow the most elite people on the planet to become the supreme gods of everything and everyone.
Now, just as where the elite (meaning the most powerful people on Earth) believers of the Luciferian philosophy say that God wasn't being straight with Adam and Eve and keeping them down by not telling them everything, these very same guys are doing the same with their new age bullshit:
They are not telling you that only they, themselves, are to be able to reach this supposed godhood, and once they have the whole Earth "perfected" to their godly liking, you and I are going to be under their ruling whims.
A one-world socialist government, in other words, where things are slanted in their favor.
At this point in time, we are being steered in that direction, bit by bit, and these new ager con men are trying to convince you to drop any old-fashioned beliefs you have, and to allow yourself to believe that all of mankind joining-in on this new age stuff is just so fabulous and correct.
In other words:
Forget about any rights to freedoms that may have been promised to you in the past.
All of that stuff is just too old-fashioned and doesn't fit into our new age way of thinking.
It's time for a change, and it's going to be done our way.
So, what does 2012 mean to you?
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