Another robbed pic from the Internet.
Here, we see Lenny Geekenheimer trying to get his POS running for just a few more minutes.
I'm still getting a chuckle (and an upset stomach, too) at the ads for used dirt bikes on Craigslist, message boards, and even the For Sale bulletin board at jerk.
Here, folks, are some of the time-honoured tricks that sellers of 1907 POS Specials and other pieces of shit put into their sorry-assed ads as they hope to pull the wool over your eyes:
*Hardly ridden, many new parts.
Who the frig's kidding who, here?
You really mean to tell me the piece of crap was hardly ridden, but it needed new piston, rings, every bearing in the chassis, and, of course, new, sick-looking graphics?
Blow it out your ass, you lying little turd.
*Bike has been well maintained, and I've put in new suspension bearings, wheel bearings, brake pads, cables, chain and sprockets, and blah-blah-blah, etc., etc., etc.
The bike was never maintained, and that's because nothing about the bike was ever actually maintained to a high degree of mechanical soundness.
Instead, it was more like ride, ride, ride, and fuck everything else.
The reason the seller poured parts into it just before he put it up for sale was because he showed not a speck of interest in keeping his equipment in proper working order the whole time he rode it, and it is only now that he's trying to sell it that he feels he has to put money into it in hopes of it not being squarely placed into the POS category.
Often, since the guy never washed the bike and it looks like a rusty and grubby POS to any viewer, it will fall into the POS category, anyway.
And, rightfully so, fool.
*Bike is totally ridable and can easily be mint.
I just don't have the time to fix it.
This is another way of saying that the bike is a POS rat bike that's only worth $50, tops.
It may run, barely, and certainly not anything like it should, and completely forget about the chassis working properly.
It is just a beat-up old POS being foisted upon somebody.
As for making it mint, you may as well enjoy turning some old shack in the woods into a multi-million dollar palace fit for a king.
It would truly require that much time and money.
For Sale: 1998 Yahmah YZ 250 two stroke.
Typical 2nd grade spelling mistakes, and worse, the moron's poor pic of this POS shows that it's not even a 1998 model.
The only reason he says it is a 1998 is because his buddy's friend who once walked past a YZ-250K1 on a dealer's showroom swears it is.
At least from the left-hand side.
That's just a brief sample of the typical chicanery pulled by these wanna-be con artists, except they'll never qualify as an artist because they can't even write an ad without it looking and reading like it was done by a kid in preschool.
Still not certain about going out for a Pachaug rock n' roll pile ride, today.
It's still early, yet.
We'll see.
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