This is what will happen if we all were to ride our dirt bikes at the same time:
We'd wake up big daddy and really piss him off to the point that he'd probably use some silly excuse (that most dimwits out there would swallow hook, line, and sinker) to make dirt bike riding illegal from then, onward.
From time to time, I'll go to a motorcycle test ride website (a site that rides new models coming out and giving them all a thumbs up in order to please the manufacturer and get plenty of advertising in exchange) to see what they wrote about it.
One thing I'm seeing now, more than ever, is the constant reminding us all that we should keep the bikes just as they come off the showroom floors as far as the exhaust muffler and even airbox inlet size is concerned.
This is all to (supposedly) eliminate unwanted noise and keep overly loud dirt bikes off the trails and eliminate pissing-off the non-riders who also use the same trails for walking, pissing on trees, growing pot plants, and screwing their next door neighbor's wife while the neighbor is at work.
I'm completely against bikes that are too loud.
What constitutes a bike that is too loud?
If you want to put your fingers in your ears while it goes by you, that's too loud, especially if the retard riding it gasses it intentionally as he's near you because he thinks he's being a really cool macho man.
If a dirt bike is this loud, what the numbskull is doing is, basically, either using a muffler that's supposed to be used only on a race track like a motocross track (where there are no walking trails or houses or scenic vistas to stop and drool over while you fantasize about living back in 1801 when things were just so pure and simple (but, of course, you'd still expect to have your electric lights, TV, microwave oven, fast food joints, Internet radio, and your new SUV or sporty little car)), or the retard modified the original muffler to make it that loud.
Again, he did this because he's a numbskull and maybe even a simpleton.
So, what the motorcycle press has been doing lately (although the less sound = more ground slogan has been around since the 1970s) is telling us that we should be happy with how the bike sounds and (most importantly) how the bike actually runs and performs straight off the showroom floor.
I have a severe problem with this because my very own WR-250FY firebreather comes off the showroom floor totally choked-up in order to meet sound and noise and exhaust gas emissions standards and regulations that are ridiculously tight, stringent, and, basically I feel, meant to eventually squash the ability to produce dirt bikes at all sometime in the future when they make them even tighter.
The way my bike ran off the showroom would basically be an embarrassment to Yamaha Motor Co. if it's showroom condition was actually how it was supposed to ridden, especially by a rider who knows how to ride, and ride well.
In order for the bike to run as it should, you need to remove obstructions built into the bike at the airbox inlet, exhaust muffler outlet, unplug a wire from the electrical part known as the ECU, and change parts in the carburetor that basically supply more fuel to be burned and make some kind of power a 250cc dirt bike is expected to make.
I did these, and am completely satisfied with how the bike runs and performs.
So, what's the big deal?
These test review websites (and print magazines) are literally telling readers to leave the bike in at least semi-corked-up condition and just live with the poor performance.
In fact, they even write about how the bike feels weak and how it would be nice to have more power and better throttle response, yet they don't even mention that they could get that performance by simply uncorking the bike of it's silly restrictions.
They do this because they feel that big daddy (or big brother, or the US government) will clamp down and close for good any remaining legal off-road riding areas unless we all tiptoe around on wheezy bikes that can barely be heard running.
To me, this is a sad thing because I'd rather eat shit and die than ride my WR-250FY in the condition it was when brand-new.
Yes, it was that plugged-up and that lousy.
I know that you can uncork these bikes yet not have the noise it makes overly loud, and that is how mine is, so, why are we reading this stuff?
Unfortunately, it seems to me that it's because they're bowing to pressure from enviro-groups that threaten action like having riding areas closed down.
Closed down unless we never as much as make a peep or turn over a single stone laying on the ground, or, heaven forbid, kick up a cloud of dust as we ride by or disturb a patch of sand that hasn't been disturbed in 10,000,000 years.
Maybe, there are even some double agent back stabbers who are really environMENTAL fanatics working for these motorcycle test websites and magazines.
Yes, whenever I read this poor excuse for a motorcycle review, I want to throw up because I feel it is simply trying to appease an enemy that is going to eventually squash dirt bike riding for good, no matter how quiet your bike is, or how polite and courteous you are to others, or no matter how much ass you kiss.
I feel that they are simply buying a little more time while giving-in a little more, and a little more.
Off to jerk,
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